God became one of us! Imagine a God who is right beside you....not high up in heaven or at a beautiful lake, in another state helping your friend, or in the Middle East tending to that misery. All the time!
This belief is unique to Christianity. I did not ever think of that. But the Islam teaching is that their god is one who sends others, like prophets. Their god is too holy to come to them, no, that would be considered blasphemy.
But there is no one like our God! For thousands of years before He came to earth God spoke to everyday men, like Adam, Noah, Moses and Isaiah. They hardly seem like every day people when we hear about their feats in the Bible, but what made them "special" wasn't anything about them or how good they were. They were chosen by God and used by Him. It is amazing to think that you don't need to be qualified to be called! So God talked to them in an audible voice. Today if someone says, "God told me," we sort of look at them funny. But today He speaks differently: through His Word, in answered prayer, in inspired teaching.
Let's wrap our thankful minds around the greatest blessing ever given: God coming down to earth at Bethlehem...a real live baby. Now, we have heaven on earth! Baby Jesus!
That is what I will say when we circle the table for what I am most thankful or tomorrow! Let me know what you would say!
"I came to give life...life to its fullest! John 10:10
Pray: Dear Father, thank you for the gift of Jesus. Help us to never forget Your love for us.
Give our country grateful hearts also, Lord, so we might again be blessed by You.
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