Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Day 35 of 4: Keep Calm and Carry On (12/11/12)

Day 35 of four more years (originally posted on Facebook on December 11, 2012)

Are you a super Christmas elf? You know, the person who is ahead in the Christmas race? The first one to send out your cards? How about shopping? "I finished back in September, but am running a little behind on wrapping!" Oh, decorations? No problem, you are the person who enlisted the family to help you decorate the week of Thanksgiving! Baking? "Sweetie, you just do it all ahead and pop it in the freezer, ta dah! That was easy!" Just cast your relaxed, early, "all done" eyes in this direction! I will make your day! I seldom do things ahead of time, and usually I am down to the wire! So you ask, am I ready for Christmas? Not at all. One of my children thinks I have ADD, but I like to believe that God left out my time monitor, clock or sensitivity to time at all.

Here is an example: Yesterday, my first day all alone with no excuse, I told myself, "You, Margsarg, will not, under any circumstance, and I mean it, leave this house without finishing your Christmas cards (not addressing them, ordering them). "Don't even try it, sister.
OK, but my precious little twin friends stopped by and we were able to roast marshmallows on the fire pit! And hot chocolate, too! We laughed and had so much fun. They even told me the reason my Elf has not left her shelf is because she doesn't have a name! So, we named her Molly and she has been zipping all over the house ever since. Then, just as they left and I started the cards, my next door neighbor dropped by with my "early" Christmas gift and we sat, watched the sunset and laughed at how behind I was! So funny! Then, the clock said it was after 7 pm, there was Monday Night Football, a newspaper to read, and oh, yeah, tomorrow is another day!

What is wrong with New Year's Cards anyway? So, you go on now! You are doing great and haven't I made you feel better?

"Rejoice in the Lord always…do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petitions, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Phillipians 4:4

Dear Father, help us to be calm, peaceful and focused on the real meaning of Christmas. Keep our priority list in your hands, and help us lean on you for all understanding and compassion during this busy season.

Day 34 of 4: The Sparkle Box (12/10/12)

Day 34 of four more years (originally posted on Facebook on December 10, 2012)

Do you know about the Sparkle Box? Earlier this month I posted about a fairly new Christmas tradition called the Elf on the Shelf. It turns out to be fairly controversial… and if you check old posts, you can see all that. I do believe it is all in fun, but some people believe that anything that takes our focus off the Baby Jesus is wrong. And I certainly get that. But last week I was challenged by our BSF leader's lecture when she suggested we replace or start a new tradition that is in keeping with the real meaning of Christmas. So, I remembered the new gift I had purchased for the grandchildren.

"The Sparkle Box!" It is a lovely book by the same title written by Jill Hardie. I purchased it back in the fall from my Crossings Book Club, but I feel like it is widely available. I bought a copy, set it aside because it was still Halloween, and just a couple of weeks ago, I picked it up and read it through. The book even has a Sparkle Box in the back of the book for you to assemble. After reading the book and shedding a few tears, I decided this was an awesome idea, and ordered two more copies, gave one to Lauren and still have one for Jill.

This is the story: A young boy named Sam sees a sparkly box on the mantel the first day of December. After he inquires about the beautiful box, his Mom replied, "It is a special gift, called a Sparkle Box. We'll open it together, but we have to fill it first." All through the story, as the weeks before Christmas unfold, Sam and his family do generous things. They take food and blankets to the homeless shelter, give money to dig water wells in Africa, hand out mittens and candy to a needy man and celebrate at a birthday party for the baby Jesus. On Christmas eve, the family gathers around and opens the box full of slips of paper describing the unselfish acts Sam and his family had done during the holiday season. His Mom explains, "Sam, the Sparkle Box is our gift to Jesus on Christmas Day, His birthday."

I just love this simple exercise of love. Children, no matter how young, understand gifts and even by the age of 3 or 4 can realize Christmas is not their birthday (unless it really is!). If you are interested in this lovely tradition or replacement of one you already practice, go to for information and ideas or to share your own Sparkle Box story. By the way, you don't even have to buy anything. You can hear the story on the website and make your own box. I hope this idea is a blessing to you. So like the Wise Men in the story of Jesus' birth, we too can bring gifts to the Christ Child, and like the Little Drummer Boy, we can give Him our best! By the way, I have my own Sparkle Box! Can't wait to put some love in there!

"Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for Me." Matthew 25:40

Dear Jesus, thank You for coming to be a light to our world. Help us to give gifts to the needy and suffering, in honor of Your birthday. For You taught us the true meaning of Christmas as You gave the perfect gift of Yourself. Amen

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Day 33 of 4: Silent Night (12/9/12)

Day 33 of four more years (originally posted on Facebook on December 9, 2012)

"Silent Night," is it your favorite Christmas carol? It certainly is mine. And here is my shallow reason: As a young, aspiring church pianist, I treasured this Christmas carol because it was easy to play! In fact, I can probably play it in my sleep, even today! The beautiful music is simple yet profound. How I relished this beautiful carol and dreaded the sweet, "O, Little Town of Bethlehem!" which is an enigma to me. Sounds precious, but plays hard! But "Silent Night" is a treasure. It is called "the Christmas carol heard 'round the world."

The history of "Silent Night" gets a little bit complicated. The author of the words was Joseph Mohr, who wrote the inspirational lyrics over 180 years ago in a small village in Oberndorf, Austria. He was a modest choir director whose best friend, Franz Gruber, put the music to the lyrics. The two men actually performed their composition together for the first time on Christmas Eve 1818. After that, the history of the song developed into a traveling folk song, performed far and wide. It was sung for the first time in America in 1839 at the Trinity Church in New York City.

All the historical facts have probably left you "glazed over." But there is a treasure in the story. The most famous carol of all time brought income to the author, Joseph Mohr. Yet, he died penniless in 1848. His life story began in poverty in 1792, he was gainfully employed all his life in the priesthood and made modest gains in revenue from Silent Night. Yet, he died penniless. What did he do with the money he made in his lifetime? The fact is that he donated it all, not just the amount he could claim as a tax deduction, but all of it to be used for elder care and the education of the children of the area. These words were used to describe the author of Silent Night, "a reliable friend of mankind, toward the poor, a gentle, helping father." What an awesome tribute! And what a legacy of faith… a simple, modest man who made a difference; a man who gave all he had to those in need. It has been suggested that part of the miracle of "Silent NIght" is that it was penned from a man's imagination by the hand of God.The author was never internationally known like Irving Berlin who wrote "White Christmas," but you can bet all your earthly treasures that Joseph Mohr's name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life!

"Only those in the eternal heaven whose names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life (dwell there)." Revelation 21:27

"Jesus said, 'Simon, son of John, do you truly love me?….Feed my lambs." John 21:15

Precious Lamb of God, may the words of "Silent Night" pour into our hearts as we worship you at Christmas. May the simple words of the silent night when you were born give us a new joy in you as the baby who came to save us all. Thank you for your humble servant, Joseph Mohr, and may the blessings of his simple Christmas carol speak to us this year. Amen

Day 32 of 4: Christmas Cold (12/8/12)

Day 32 of four more years (originally posted on Facebook on December 8, 2012)

Today I need your prayers. Not for me, although I need them all the time and more than most people, but for my sister. She has an awful cold, a dreaded "Christmas cold." It is not allergies, as we so hoped, but one of the awful ones that have moved into her chest. And of all things, her flight home is today. The day will be long, and even involves a layover to boot. Yuk! Travel is hard enough on a healthy person. Some of you many also know the airlines frown on sickly persons. Not only does she need to feel better but look healthy, too. FYI: never mention flu or expected appendicitis around a gate agent…just so you know.

We have done all we can here: tons of over the counter medicines, decongestants, and a pilfered antibiotic in case it gets into her chest. The best, most perfect remedy also hasn't worked yet: homemade tamales. My dear friend, Maria, made them fresh last night and at 8 pm she (and I joined in just to show support) ate 3 of them. Marvelous, curing properties, those tamales! When she gets up today, she may be healed already! But in case she isn't, will you pray for her? And for me, as I will miss her like crazy! (Just an additional fact, we froze a dozen of the tamales for her to take in her carryon bag…you know, just in case someone needs healing on the plane, or her husband and daughter need them!)

I thank you all in advance for I know she will feel your prayers today.

"Is any one of you in trouble? He should pray….the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well..the prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective." James 5:13-16

Pray: Father, heal my sister of her cold. Help her to have a safe and comfortable trip. Bring her back to us in due time and bless her family as they welcome her home.

Day 31 of 4: Saying Goodbye (12/7/12)

Day 31 of four more years (originally posted on Facebook on December 7, 2012)

"Salutations!" as Charlotte the spider wove in "Charlotte's Web. "Good morning! Missed you, how's the family?" "

Are you hanging in there?"

All of the above are common greetings. Hellos are fun and anticipatory, but what about good-byes? Not so fun to me.

First I will say good-bye to Paradise today and return to my beloved home and family in Arlington. This is always bittersweet to me. I cherish both homes and haven't found a way to be in both places at one time!

But tomorrow, I have to say good-bye to my favorite sister. Sad day. This is the farewell I dread. What do I say then? "I will miss you like crazy. Can't you stay a little longer?" Thinking of this makes me reflect on the fun you have with someone when you know your time is limited. If you see someone everyday, you take closeness for granted. Jane and I have tried to make every minute count! Every one. Well, we have had to sleep, but all of the activities we planned were meant to be deliberate and with purpose. Today, we do one of our favorite trips... The long way to Arlington. The slow boat to China! A trip of 2.5 hours we turn into 5! We stop wherever we want and have our fill at each place: looking, shopping, eating and laughing! That is one of the many things I love about her! A great sense of timing or lack of it!

Please pray for us as we ease back into our "normal" lives. I'm staying positive because I am blessed to have had my favorite Christmas guest!

Benedictions from Paul:
"Grace be with you. The Lord be with your spirit. Peace and love with faith from God the Father through The Lord Jesus Christ!" from letters to Titus, Timothy, the churches at Ephesus and Corinth.
And Merry Christmas!

Pray: Father, may we appreciate the time here on earth, treasure minutes as gifts from You and anticipate the time when we will never have to say good-bye in heaven. Amen

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Day 30 of 4: Snowy Nativity in Bethlehem? (12/6/12)

Day 30 of four more years (originally posted on Facebook on December 6, 2012)

Snowy scene, wrapped up baby Jesus, and shepherds who came to see. Do you really think it was snowing on the night of Jesus' birth? Does is ever snow in Bethlehem? I was curious and decided to a Snopes detective! I found out that it very, very rarely snows in Bethlehem, although it has happened. But other facts make it even less likely. For one, the census that Joseph and Mary had come to submit to only happened in the warm months because of the difficulty in travel. Shepherds only put their sheep out in the fields during the the warm months from April until October. In December their sheep would have been in a warmer place. 

I am interjecting a personal reason for my curiosity here. You see, I was looking at the small, treasured nativity here at my childhood home. My sister and I take out a few decorations while we are here and this is one of our favorites. The small figures are surrounded by a cloud of snowy blue (?) angel hair. As kids we loved the silky "snow" and were so tempted to stroke its soft strands. However, we were sternly warned never to touch it because the spun glass would cut our fingers! Really? I still hesitate to try! Ok, I must confess: this year I did try. And surprisingly, it does cut your fingers! Why would my Mom buy cutting snow? And blue? Questions I'll ask her someday!

After a little research over something most of you will think is silly, I am concluding that Jesus was probably born in September. If you add to the facts above, the idea that the date of Jesus' birth was arbitrarily set by the church. The timing of the celebration of the Christmas festival was determined to coincide with pagan tribal parties, honoring the winter solstice. These were pretty wild affairs, with lots of wassail, roasted animals, rich foods and sacrifices! Sounds like a Christmas party gone awry!

Why does any of this matter? I believe we cling to lots of myths and legends about Jesus birth. Even the timing of the visit of the Wise Men is one of those. But our focus can get lost, our ideas muddled by myths, and our search for a mythical baby King born in the snow can cloud the real truth. Jesus' birth was not a Hollywood production, no matter how the Jewish people looked for the king as a triumphant ruler. Baby Jesus did not have a halo on His sweet head! He was a real, ordinary baby, wrapped in rough muslin, not silk. Are we still looking for a king with an entourage of servants? Is that what we are searching for, as like the shepherds, we leave our flocks to go give Him praise? To kneel at the manger and see the God who became an ordinary baby who would grow up to save our souls! I want to see that baby! And forget about the snow!

"Let us go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which The Lord has told us about." 
Luke 2:15

Dear God, let us see the wonder, glory and majesty in the birth of Your Son, the ordinary baby who became the unbelievable miracle at Christmas! Amen

Day 29 of 4: Christmas at Ma's House (12/5/12)

Day 29 of four more years (originally posted on Facebook on December 5, 2012)

Christmas....what is your best memory? Or forget memories. Maybe it is just a lot of work to you. My Mom sometimes expressed that thought and a worry of a lack of money. Hustle, bustle, crowds, deadlines all threaded together with the Holy Birth of Jesus. Other worries include Santa Claus who makes parents anxious as he seems to promise far more than he can deliver. Between worry about the Elf on the Shelf and Santa watching their every move, the children have some anxiety of their own!

Most people can filter their memories of Christmas in order to conjure a happy scene. Here are some from my childhood: a big old farmhouse with a crackling fire, an enormous cedar tree which tipped over from the top, decorated with silver tinsel, shinny balls and raggedy garland pulled from a shelf. Smells of chili and tamales coming from the kitchen, children being shuffled into the dining room, listening for the sounds of sleigh bells and hoofs on the roof. Popcorn balls in big bowls, fire works out on the dirt driveway as family huddled near a fire. Anticipation of a visit from St. Nick, depending on how much bourbon was left in the flask under his seat on the sleigh, and laughter, gifts and hugs all around, family coming from far and wide for the family event known as Christmas at Ma's house! 

The common thread through all of it was my great-grandmother, Ma Shurtleff! She made Christmas come together on Christmas Eve! Ma was an amazing lady! She was hard-working, tough as nails, talented, self-confident, kind and a heroine of my childhood! No one escaped her strong arms! And yes, she had her favorites: all of us! I totally mean that. She loved all her family passionately, and nothing came between her and her family. If a family member got into trouble or became sick or drifted away, she pulled us all together to keep us safe and rescued, prayed or grabbed them back to her. She forgave our faults, and overlooked a lot since we were a boisterous bunch of sinners!
But at Christmas time, it was all about Ma's house! Together! The gave us all Christmas memories with hugs, love and a cement bond that is not broken even today, over 70 years later. The ones of us who remember Christmas at Ma's house are getting fewer each year. I hope that in retelling the story, I can recreate the memory to share with my children and grandchildren. My hope for you is that you have a similar story to hand down.

But what if your story is not like mine? Perhaps your family story is not like the Walton's and seriously, neither was mine. Christmas brings painful memories. Please believe this: You have a great, loving family of your own as a child of the King. You can make wonderful memories at Christmas starting this year. And your Heavenly Father will never disappoint you or fail to care for you. His love came down at Christmas and will provide you with all the greatest memories on this earth and in the one to come!

"And don't lose heart...God still changes families" Max Lucado

"I will be your father." 2 Corinthians 6:18

Dear Father, we thank You for the gift of family on this earth and the external family only You provide through the birth of the Baby Jesus so long ago. Amen

Day 28 of 4: Joseph (12/4/12)

Day 28 of four more years (originally posted on Facebook on December 4, 2012)

Joseph. He deserves equal time! Another amazing person in the true story from God's Word. Mary's thoughts from yesterday spill over today in the story of the Joseph. I can't imagine how God selected the mother and father for His Son, but I read that righteousness was number one. And add on obedience and humility. Those last two characteristics we can aspire to, but righteousness? We know no man is perfect and all men sin, but Joseph is counted as righteous. How did he become righteous in God's sight? Jesus had not died for mankind's sin yet, so if we say, "believe in Jesus' death for the salvation of your soul," it won't work. Can't happen. All the Old Testament heroes did not have the eternal blessing in which we live today. In the days before Jesus, Abraham (for instance) was counted as righteous and listed in the New Testament on the Wall of Faith by one way: God's Word...belief in the audible and visible (for Moses and the Israelites) in the tablets of the Ten Commandments, and promises handed down by the Patriarchs, started by Moses in the first 5 books of the Bible. But wait, Abraham didn't have written words, but the actual presence and voice of God! God also performed marvelous, jaw-dropping miracles! Imagine that! Joseph did have the blessed visit of the Angel Gabriel, too. That certainly reinforced his faith! But like the Israelites who saw God part the Red Sea, and two months later were worshipping idols in the desert, righteousness is more than just seeing a miracle. It is faith to live all the days of our lives walking in God's promises.

Joseph did that. The angel told him how it was going to be, and Joseph chose to believe him. He trusted God. And he protected Mary and the Baby Jesus, raising Jesus his own son. With God's help, Joseph and Mary were righteous even in their humanity. Joseph doesn't get all the acclaim that Mary receives. But like today's Dads, the Mom is center stage because she actually carries the baby in her body. Praise today to all you Dads, and especially to the often overlooked Joseph!

A righteous man who also found favor with God!

"Joseph was a righteous man, and did not want to expose Mary to public disgrace, he had a mind to divorce her quietly... But an angel of The Lord appeared to him in a dream, and said, 'Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you will give Him the name Jesus, because He will save His people from their sins.'... When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of The Lord had commanded him. " Matthew 1:19-24

Father God, help us to see the story of Joseph as an encouragement to us to live as righteous because of the gift of Jesus.

Day 27 of 4: Mary (12/3/12)

Day 27 of four more years (originally posted on Facebook on December 3, 2012)

Mary. Today is her day. She was an amazing woman in our history, our heritage and our faith. Many religions worship Mary as a saint because of her favor and status with God. She was chosen by God to be the mother of Jesus. And just what were her qualifications? Do you think she was picked because of her religious maturity or her perfection? Or because of her status in the community? Was she a sinner just like us? If so, why did God choose her? The story is old and so often repeated that perhaps it has lost its freshness, and you want to move on quickly to the wise men and the shepherds or the baby Himself. Just for a moment let us ponder Mary and imagine her thoughts.

You are an everyday Jewish girl...young and excited about your upcoming marriage. Not wealthy or well-educated, worldly or sophisticated, but sweet, pure and humble. I can imagine Mary giggling with her girlfriends, planning with her Mom, nervous but anticipating becoming a woman with a husband and family of her own. When one day, the angel Gabriel came to her and sort of "knocked her socks off!" Just seeing an angel would have been enough, but the words he spoke must have astonished her, and filled Mary with fear, amazement and questions! What? But how? We certainly get that one. "How will this be, since I am a virgin?" I also imagine she wondered if it would hurt, would she be taken away, ostracized and would Joseph turn her out? The obvious questions had a not so obvious answer: "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you, so the Holy One to be born will be called the Son of God...for nothing is impossible with God." And here is Mary's divinely inspired response: "I am the Lord's servant. May it be as you have said."

And our response today when God says He is going to do something, is "How?" We forget we are addressing the all powerful, omnipotent God. One who is not limited by anything man can worry about. When we need to know the answers, He will reveal His plan. Sometimes He wants us to act by faith, as Mary did. Again, what were her qualifications? She was humble and pure in spirit. She and Joseph were ordinary but righteous people who became God's chosen parents for His only Son. But they were not alone in parenting the child, Jesus. And neither are we. God is ready to help us be righteous parents and grandparents.

Oh, Mary girl, you were so blessed. You yielded to God's plan. Your humble attitude and brave faith led you to be the bearer of the greatest Gift. You were amazingly rewarded. We can be, too, in a small way or a big way if we nurture a pure heart, open, honest soul and mind in order for God to use us to serve Him.
Mary & Jesus as a man from "The Bible"

Bless you, Mary, for your example to us.

"Mary's Song:
My soul glorifies The Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
For He has been mindful of the humble state of His servant. 
From now on all generations will call me blessed for the mighty one has done great things for me--Holy is His Name." Luke 1:46-49

Dear Father, let us have a humble, pure spirit like Mary to respond to Your call. Amen

Day 26 of 4: Joy to the World (12/2/12)

Day 26 of four more years (originally posted on Facebook on December 2, 2012)

Hymn day! Sunday! The best day of the week! These days the hymns are often carols, in stores, at the doctors office, on your XM radio, through your electronic devices, at church and after all that, in your head! Lovely sounds… the "sounds of the season" as some albums are titled. Familiar, memory laden melodies, bringing comfort and praise, compelling us to worship the baby Jesus' coming to earth. What is it about Christmas music that makes it so compelling and lifts our spirits? Do the poets write more beautiful words for Christmas carols? Are the composers on their best inspirational behavior? Maybe. Even the secular songs it about the birth of the Holy Child or about Rudolph? A lot of music at Christmas has nothing to do with God's gift and more to do about commercial "feel good" and entertainment. That has its place, too.

Today let us thing of Christmas music as prayers to God. Worship. Let's sing: "Joy to the World" which is my favorite thanksgiving to God, filled with all the good the Baby Jesus brings to earth, since "He makes HIs blessings flow." Nothing we did to earn the blessings, either. Just knowing we only need to accept the gift of His Son makes the story simple, yet incredible. Why would anyone say "no?" "I don't really choose to get involved." "Nice holiday, but I think I'll focus on the holly, jolly Christmas part." And Jingle Bells then may be your favorite Christmas carol. It may seem strange and sad, but it certainly is a common attitude of society today. 

Well, not for us! We are His chosen people, the apples of His eye, and the delights of His heart. I am talking about you! And me! Why wouldn't we be joyful? To be loved by God and to know it brings the greatest joy on earth! Let's choose to prepare our hears, sing our prayers to the King of Kings, born in a manger. The baby King who came to earth to die on a Cross. "The wonders of His love!" echoes in our ears!
"Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth." Psalm 98:4
Father in heaven who came to earth, my our hearts be prepared to proclaim You today. Give us truth and grace that comes only from You. Thank you, Father, for the perfect gift of Your Son Jesus Christ.

Day 25 of 4: Little Brown Bear (12/1/12)

Day 25 of four more years (originally posted on Facebook on December 1, 2012)

Imagination! How is yours? Is it easy for you to see something specific in your memory? Do you dream in your head? Last night, I was blessed to have dinner with my sister, my son, my precious daughter in law and my new grandson! Sort of…his birthday will not be until January, but he is real and was right there growing strong and wonderful in Jessica! How amazing! What a miracle he is already! This morning we will celebrate the ritual of the baby shower. A time we women (usually just the women) get together and bring much needed gifts to the baby. We are encouraged today to include a favorite book for Baby Sargent's library, too. That is so much fun! To bring the book you either enjoyed as a child, shared with your own child, or one that just has a special memory for you! Having done this at another shower, I know it will be a delightful time.

So I reached for the treasured book of Dan's childhood to give to my grandson. I remembered chubby little fingers holding that book, bringing it to me every day, and I do mean every day, to read it to him. I can see his big blue eyes, beseeching me, "Please, Mommy, this one! Not that one! This is the best one!" So "Little Brown Bear" became the only book Dan would want, ever! Nap time and bed time! I knew the words so well, having read them at least 100 times:

"Little Brown Bear had lunch at his Grandmother's house. She made him a sack of nice fresh donuts to take home. On his way home, he sang, 'Cap on my head! Coat on my back! Who'd like to know what's in my sack?" Little Brown Bear travels home, picking up hungry friends along the way: a little red squirrel, a big white rabbit, and an old gray goose. "When they reached Little Brown Bear's house, he said to his mother, 'We would all like to have a party with what is in my sack.' Mother Bear told them all to close their eyes, and when they opened them, they saw that she had brought out a big pitcher of milk. "Clackety-clack! Green and black! Now you'll see what's in my sack!' And they all had a donut party!"

Now I imagine a new set of chubby fingers, touching and loving, reaching and patting. I am imagining you, sweet baby boy! I love you already! God is so good to us!

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." Psalm 119:14-16

"Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever." Ephesians 3:20


Gracious Father, Thank you for the gifts of love You give us on this earth. Thank you for babies! For life that only You can create. Please keep them all safe, guide them, protect them, as my Grandmother used to say, from "harm and evil." Give us the wisdom to help the parents train them up in Your ways.

Day 24 of 4: Christmas Letters (11/30/12)

Day 24 of four more years (originally posted on Facebook on November 30, 2012)

Christmas letters. Do you write them to include with your Christmas cards? Do you enjoy summarizing your year and jotting down the events of 2012? It can be a challenge: the condensing of a year into several short paragraphs. Perhaps you are anti-Christmas letters… you hate them...feel intimidated reading the accomplishments of everyone else. Maybe you feel your life wasn't as great this year. Or do you think they are funny, annoying, boring or a chore for you to do? Maybe you just sign your name or have a computer do that for you. Christmas letters are not controversial for me at all! I love them all. I am sad when the card only says your name, no matter how beautiful the design. Tell me more, please! If I only hear from you once a year, I have missed you! Give me a "one-liner" if you can. I really am easy to please. If not, you know I love you anyway. Even those of you who don't send cards back…doesn't matter to me. I love sending them, anyway, and I don't stop sending them if you don't reciprocate. You get on my list, you stay on my list! Almost forever!

If you get a Christmas card from me, you know I stopped doing a Christmas letter after Scott died. One of the reasons: my "red pen critique person" was gone. Scott had a definite opinion here. Even though I wrote the letter, he exercised his red pen with gusto! As soon as I scribbled my lines, he took his red pen and tore into it. Never mind that I was the English teacher, grammar was not what he was after. His comments went like this, "Bragging here, line through this one!" "Too religious." "Way too personal (the trip to the doctor)." And my favorite: "The kids won't like you talking about their boyfriends/girl friend, etc." Well, it just sort of hurt my feelings. And it took several tries to get his approval. By that time my letter sounded like it was written by a robot! But I would grudgingly agree and slip a scripture in at the last minute! Or crack a joke about the kids' antics or something Scott did! All went well until the letters went out and someone commented on the additions! Not funny!

These days I have given the letter up. After all, there is no telling the intimate, personal things I would write if I had no censor! The last few years, I have just done a bullet list of observations from the previous year. A little biographical data slips in, but it is usually a commentary on things I remember, wrote down on a scrap of paper and slipped into my Bible. Inspiration only to me, but I sort of share it. So this year have I pulled out the raggedy pieces of paper, put them into a paragraph, or something? No, not even started. But I am thinking about starting!

Totally off the subject here: Can you imagine a person who mails a Christmas card before Thanksgiving? I know one, and you know who you are! So, stop it already! I love you, but just give us one week to be thankful!

"Rejoice with those who rejoice…" Romans 12:15


Father, help us to enjoy this time of reconnecting with distant loved ones! Give us hearts to rejoice in each others' joys and bear each others' burdens. You are the ultimate giver of the best gift this year: your Son, Jesus. May we let all we do reflect the true reason we celebrate.

Day 23 of 4: Boys vs. Girls (11/29/12)

Day 23 of four more years (originally posted on Facebook on November 29, 2012)

Did you know? "Sons are just different." 

"Boys will be boys, you know, and you can't treat them like daughters, ever!"

"Now, aren't you the lucky one to have just girls; they are so much easier!" 

"What a blessing to have someone who 'gets' you and can go shopping with you!" 

"So, what kind of a mother in law do you plan to be?" 

We mothers are subject to a lot of cliches, aren't we? I've been thinking about these sayings for many years. Some of these says I have even seen as cartoons and some on an embroidered sampler! Ever since I became the mother of a son after having two girls, it has been a mystery to me. This post is not an easy one. In my BSF group yesterday, I heard the following from the mother of grown male children, "Mothers of boys need extra prayers." Really? Do you believe any of the statements I just wrote?

As most of you know I am blessed, immeasurably, with three children; two girls and then a boy born in 1979. In those days, you didn't always know for sure if you were having a boy or a girl. In the delivery room the announcement came: "It's a boy!" This totally surprised me! I so adored my darling baby girls and was concerned how I would do as the Mommy of a boy. Are boy Mommy's different? Do they need to be athletic? Or extra tough? And does it really matter? The answer is the delightful "yes" and "no!" That really helps, doesn't it? So think about this: It really, really doesn't matter! I mean it! Here is why.
Today I am going to address a difficult topic that I wish I could avoid. I wish it didn't exist. There are precious ones among us who are so desperate to be a Mommy that they have no preference. A baby is their choice. You know, the one they pray for, think about and yearn for with all their being. The conversational questions I just posed above would be hurtful to them...very painful. What are we thinking? Those of us who have never struggled with infertility skip merrily through this silly argument of girls vs. boys with never a thought (usually) of the ones who are in the background with broken hearts. Please let us be sensitive to them, especially when this time of the year it is all about the baby, the baby Jesus. And our suffering friends have to hear us grumble about not getting a boy or a girl. Would they care? Not for one second! Because a baby is the desire of their hearts.

Yesterday, I heard a lady speak who had dealt with infertility. She said that all she wanted was one, one precious baby to take a photo of and put on her Christmas card. To love forever! Even after many years and the fulfillment of her deepest prayers by being blessed with children, the pain in her voice was still there. The depth of this pain is remarkable. Since I did not experience this particular disappointment, the compassion I feel for them comes from a different place than my own personal experience. How does that happen? Jesus gives us a heart like His to feel the pain of another, to hurt with them and to want to comfort them. He allows us to minister to them with true, not fake, compassion. To lack for words, but give without speaking, a heart of love for your friends. He is doing that for me. I was not born with an overly sympathetic nature, as many of you know (especially my children). But, slowly God is changing that part of me to be more like Him. Ok, I didn't say He was finished, but He has brought me so far that it amazes me. Allowing us to feel the utmost love for the hurting is what I wish for us today. I believe it will make all the difference. So. boy or girl? It really makes no difference. Jesus healing love? All the difference!

"Those who live in love live in God." 1 John 4:16


Father, create in us a heart so empathetic and full of love that it spills over to minister to the hurting among us. Give us sensitivity to the loss in our midst and mindful of the needs of others.

Day 22 of 4: Stranger Danger (11/28/12)

Day 22 of four more years (originally posted on Facebook on November 28, 2012)

Are you approachable? Do total strangers come up to you? To ask directions or hear a word of kindness? This is going to sound prideful, but I don't know how else to say it. If you know anything about me, you know I seem to attract strangers, and not always the cute ones! I can't seem to help myself. This has been a source of embarrassment to my children and annoyance to my spouse. Scott would often say, "Leave those poor people alone. They don't want to tell you their life stories." My children would beg me not to talk to people, "You are embarrassing, Mom!"

Example here: yesterday when I got to the airport a little early, a typical scene unfolded. My plan was to sit quietly for the ten minutes before the plane arrived and enjoy my iPhone. You know, check my email, get on Facebook and play a few games. Not to be. A shabbily dressed, exhausted woman came right over to me dragging along lots of "rolling" stuff. She was confused and distressed. From what I could understand (her English was broken), she could not reach her relative in Phoenix, blaming (I think) Verizon for the bad connection. I suggested she ask the gentleman at the counter what to do and offered to watch her stuff. Gratefully she left for that task. Hummm, now to my phone! But, oh no, another freshly dressed older lady came over and sat right next to she was my best friend and totally in my space. We began commiserating about the traffic, and she quietly confessed she didn't have a cell phone and singled me out because I did. If her friend didn't show up, would I call her? After gently suggesting it was time for her to get a phone, I quickly said I would. Still keeping my eye on my lost, shabby friend, I continued to enjoy this precious soul. While minding our own business and getting to know each other, a gentleman who had been standing a little away, came over to tell us he knew all about Verizon! Well, great! He just was waiting a little to get involved! But he did offer. The phone seems to be the common denominator, right? So really, I did use my phone, just not the way I intended. And I got the rest and relaxation I was craving from my three new friends. Then here came friend number four, as the delayed friend walked through the revolving door to her buddy. Then the two tiny friends, let me pull their suitcases off the carousel and they strolled off arm in arm. So sweet! My bedraggled friend came back and good news! She had talked with her relative and was off to Phoenix, with all her rollers!

Success! Then, through the doors: yea! My sister! We began a non stop running conversation, catching up as fast as we could. On the way to the car, someone began honking at us! I thought, "How rude!" Nope, just our lady friends from inside on their way home! How fun!

Here is what I think....I will never see those people again on this earth. I could have easily brushed them off, yet my wiring is just a little crazy. The truth is that I am nosy. I am alert to meddle in stranger's business, curious to know their story. I must confess I like to talk to strangers, sometimes better than people I know. It is so much fun to the to try to figure them out....really fast! I am not bragging, because I am a "buttinsky'" and an enthusiastic one at that! Sometimes I even annoy myself, but I can't seem to help it. I have tried. So I am trying to let God use it for good.

 I heard someone say, "Be kind, because you may be the only Bible some people read today."

Would Jesus have slipped His cell phone back in His pocket? I know he would not, because He could give them living water and help for eternity! So, I am not like Him, but I want to use my odd personality to help others and to give off some kindness if I can. Why don't you try it, and let me know what happens! Just be prepared to really annoy your family!

"This is what God commands...that we love one another." 1 John 3:23

Dear Jesus, let us be kind to one another today, giving off You to everyone we meet. 