Day 22 of four more years (originally posted on Facebook on November 28, 2012)
Are you approachable? Do total strangers come up to you? To ask directions or hear a word of kindness? This is going to sound prideful, but I don't know how else to say it. If you know anything about me, you know I seem to attract strangers, and not always the cute ones! I can't seem to help myself. This has been a source of embarrassment to my children and annoyance to my spouse. Scott would often say, "Leave those poor people alone. They don't want to tell you their life stories." My children would beg me not to talk to people, "You are embarrassing, Mom!"
Example here: yesterday when I got to the airport a little early, a typical scene unfolded. My plan was to sit quietly for the ten minutes before the plane arrived and enjoy my iPhone. You know, check my email, get on Facebook and play a few games. Not to be. A shabbily dressed, exhausted woman came right over to me dragging along lots of "rolling" stuff. She was confused and distressed. From what I could understand (her English was broken), she could not reach her relative in Phoenix, blaming (I think) Verizon for the bad connection. I suggested she ask the gentleman at the counter what to do and offered to watch her stuff. Gratefully she left for that task. Hummm, now to my phone! But, oh no, another freshly dressed older lady came over and sat right next to she was my best friend and totally in my space. We began commiserating about the traffic, and she quietly confessed she didn't have a cell phone and singled me out because I did. If her friend didn't show up, would I call her? After gently suggesting it was time for her to get a phone, I quickly said I would. Still keeping my eye on my lost, shabby friend, I continued to enjoy this precious soul. While minding our own business and getting to know each other, a gentleman who had been standing a little away, came over to tell us he knew all about Verizon! Well, great! He just was waiting a little to get involved! But he did offer. The phone seems to be the common denominator, right? So really, I did use my phone, just not the way I intended. And I got the rest and relaxation I was craving from my three new friends. Then here came friend number four, as the delayed friend walked through the revolving door to her buddy. Then the two tiny friends, let me pull their suitcases off the carousel and they strolled off arm in arm. So sweet! My bedraggled friend came back and good news! She had talked with her relative and was off to Phoenix, with all her rollers!
Success! Then, through the doors: yea! My sister! We began a non stop running conversation, catching up as fast as we could. On the way to the car, someone began honking at us! I thought, "How rude!" Nope, just our lady friends from inside on their way home! How fun!
Here is what I think....I will never see those people again on this earth. I could have easily brushed them off, yet my wiring is just a little crazy. The truth is that I am nosy. I am alert to meddle in stranger's business, curious to know their story. I must confess I like to talk to strangers, sometimes better than people I know. It is so much fun to the to try to figure them out....really fast! I am not bragging, because I am a "buttinsky'" and an enthusiastic one at that! Sometimes I even annoy myself, but I can't seem to help it. I have tried. So I am trying to let God use it for good.
I heard someone say, "Be kind, because you may be the only Bible some people read today."
Would Jesus have slipped His cell phone back in His pocket? I know he would not, because He could give them living water and help for eternity! So, I am not like Him, but I want to use my odd personality to help others and to give off some kindness if I can. Why don't you try it, and let me know what happens! Just be prepared to really annoy your family!
"This is what God commands...that we love one another." 1 John 3:23
Dear Jesus, let us be kind to one another today, giving off You to everyone we meet.
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