Friday, January 31, 2014

January 13 - An Adventure (1/13/13)

A recurring theme for me as I look at my life with my Guide, my leader, the One I trust.. (you know Him, right?) is adventure. I think the idea of a life with Christ as an adventure is exciting, not a boring exercise in holiness but a vibrant life with the King of Kings! Every day I wake up excited to see what each day will hold. But today I overslept. That in itself is not unusual, but being late to church is not good, and I have promised to be better about being on time. I grabbed my coffee, my favorite three devotionals, prayed and climbed out of my warm bed into the chilly morning. In my mind, I had already written the post for today…been thinking about adventure again and saw an awesome scripture in "Jesus Calling." I was ready, but church couldn't wait and my writing could. And later is ok…. so off I went…

Church was great! Our pastor started a new sermon series which caught my attention. Worship was fantastic, the sun was coming out, wind dying down… ready to see the grands as we pick them up from their Sunday School (ok, I know Sunday school has a modern name, but that is what I call it). My son-in-law handed me the computer sticker which is the only way I can pick up my middle grandson, Henry, and I happily headed for him. Waiting in the lobby, visiting with Hen, and old friends and new friends, the day just seemed "text book." I mean no big deal, but a very big deal! 

At about 10:30 that all changed. Jill rushed up, handed baby Margaret to me and said, "Andrew is missing!" Mustering up calm, I gathered Henry and Margaret to me, looked up at my new friends and we began to pray. Not a big "Moses" prayer but the kind that comes from your innermost part…."Please, please, please, Father, find Andrew!" A calmness came over us, we adjusted to "sitting tight" and sure enough, in less than five minutes, Andrew was found. How? Well the church staff knew the drills and followed them perfectly, Jill's friends just "happened" to be upstairs where Andrew decided to be, and our merciful God placed His hand on our precious boy. The boy who is only 8 years old and with a curious, autisitc mind was found, even though he didn't know he was lost. A devastating outcome was averted, a little boy who did not know he was in danger was placed back in the hands of those who love him to pieces! Coincidence, good security or God in action? I believe the latter! So the next day that I lazily get up looking for an adventure….well, I might just stay in bed! 

I love the adventure of a God who cares for the least of us, the most helpless of us and saves us every day!

"This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it!" Psalm 118:24


Thank you, dear Father, for your merciful protection of us. As we claim our rights to adventure with You, let us not forget who cares for us, loves us and gives us the blessings of life in You ever day! Thank you, Jesus, for Andrew! Thank you for protecting him today and every day of his life. 

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