Monday, June 23, 2014

January 17 - What? Me, worry? (1/17/13)

The phrase attached to the face of Mad Magazine's Alfred E. Neuman was classic 1960's sarcastic attitude. In the face of nuclear war, the youth of the era thumbed their noses at their parents' fears. If you remember any of this, you are officially "old!" Alfred was the poster boy for the worry-free attitude, freckle face mischief and all.

We live however in a world full of worry. Max Lucado says, "Some of us have a post graduate degrees from the University of Anxiety!" Worry connotes many things but for me it seems like this: it is a sack full of rocks slung over your back, a sky full of hail clouds when you just got a new roof, a car with a "funny" noise as you travel down a dark street far from home, or it is just getting lost. 

Today my cousin encouraged me with her easy-going outlook on getting lost…"we'll just turn around, find another way. No stress, no blame, no worry. We'll get there another way, see something new, change our plans a little and have fun on the way!" I really like that idea. Thank you, Mary, for reminding me that life is not always just the destination but what happens along the way. 

A carefree, not careless, attitude can make all the difference. Keeping your eyes open to the new and the different while traveling along is a blessing, too. Did it really matter that we took a different way? That we were really "lost?" We had a delightful time getting there and the destination turned out to be great, too. It was all in the attitude and refusing to worry.

That's what God wants us to do. Here is what He says:

"Do not worry about anything, but pray and ask God for everything you need." Philippians 4:6
Pray: Thank you, Lord, for the journey and for the delightful encounters we have along the way. Amen

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