Monday, February 25, 2013

Day 12 of 4: "I Stand Amazed!" (11/18/12)

Day 12 of 4 More YearsOriginally posted on Facebook on November 18, 2012

Sundays! I love them and the rest and praise they bring! Even on days when church can't happen. This little bit "off" business is getting worse, but that doesn't mean I can praise around here! I've been stumbling around on the piano this morning trying to play traditional Thanksgiving songs. They are hard to play and just don't seem to ring in my head, you know like the songs you can't quit humming? The only one that is really catchy is "Over the River and through the Woods." And that is hardly a hymn.

So I am back to the one I have been hearing in the background of my head for at least two weeks:
"I Stand Amazed in the Presence" written (music and words) by Charles Gabriel in the 1920's. The music is beautiful, so soft and memorable. But the real beauty for me is in the words. They are written in the first person. 

"I stand, love me, my song, my Savior, for me, my sins, my sorrows, His face I shall see, my joy, and His love for me." 

This is really not a communal hymn, but a personal "one on one" grateful hymn to a personal Savior. He expresses the love of a God who would have come to earth and died for just one sinner!

So I am standing amazed today that I am forgiven, saved and joyful! Even if the traditional Thanksgiving hymns didn't work out, I hope this one will touch you as much. Wish I could attach a link for you to hear it. Amazing!

Lord, let us not forget to stand amazed in Your Presence today. We thank You for Your love and for taking all our sorrows away!


Day 11 of 4: Honey (11/17/12)

Day 11 of 4 More YearsOriginally posted on Facebook on November 17 2012

Homecoming! Today I am blessed to be able to attend a homecoming of one of my aunts. There were four of my aunts left here on earth. And now there are three. "Honey," as her family called her was 94 years young. Her given name was Alcenia, but since her husband always called her "honey," that is what everyone called her. Being a "young old soul" sounds trite, but in her case, it was very true. She possessed all of the good parts of youth: enthusiasm, optimism and energy. Couple that with wisdom from years of faithful, "God- walking" and you have a description of Honey. She had many blessings here on earth, and I am certain her 4 children, 12 grandchildren, 25 great-grandchildren and 14 great-great grandchildren would have topped her list. She also had many trials here on earth, including losing her husband and one of her sons. In addition to all her activities, Honey helped her daughter care for a special needs grandchild for many years. Honey would have assured you that was not a hardship but a blessing, too.

Here is my story of Honey. She loved. She did. Jesus, friends, family, strangers. She was talented. One of my aunts said, "There was nothing she couldn't do with a needle, thread, scissors and a sewing machine!" Even in the last years of her life, there was a sewing machine in her bedroom. She also completed one of my Mother's unfinished quilting projects just last year. She was physically a large woman, not overweight, but tall and strong. When she hugged you, you knew it had happened! Her laugh was infectious and delightful. The work she did at home spilled over to all areas of her life, including church and community. She was larger than life without being a character. You would have been blessed to know her, as I was. You knew you were loved if you were around Honey!

As her health declined, she went to live with her daughter. No complaining about "losing her independence" (a term I hear a lot), but joy in having her one wish fulfilled in the move: a walk-in bath tub! As a child I remember her caring for her own Mother in a small house on her own property. Her children observed her faithful devotion to her own Mother and carried on the loving tradition. Last year my sister and I were able to visit her. She seemed exactly the same: thrilled to see us, sharing old stories with her bright mind and lovingly telling us of her great blessing to still be able to help her daughter with her autistic granddaughter. She said, "We keep each other company." Yes, Honey was blessed and she was a blessing to anyone who knew her. Farewell for now, precious Honey. I know we will meet again!

"Death for the Christian is the doorway to heaven's glory. Because of Christ's resurrection we can joyously say with Paul, 'Where, O death, is your victory?'" (2 Corinthians 15:55)
Quote from Billy Graham

Heavenly Father, give us peace as we think of death. Help us to rest in your promise of eternal life, and celebrate the life we have left here on earth. Comfort Honey's family, please Lord.


Friday, February 22, 2013

Day 10 of 4: Are You a Little "Off?" (11/16/12)

Day 10 of 4 More YearsOriginally posted on Facebook on November 16, 2012

How do you feel today? I mean physically for starter? As for me, I am a little bit "off." Scratchy throat, stuffy nose, nothing major, and I can pass for healthy. Inside I know differently. Maybe it's a cold or allergies. If you see me today, you probably won't notice. But before I noticed anything at all, God knew. He sees us better from the outside in, and the inside out, and He cares about every detail.

How about your heart and your spirit? How are your "feelers" as my Aunt Bobbie used to call them? Are you feeling pretty good about yourself? Today it doesn't take much to feel superior spiritually and morally. Like if you compared yourself to the resigned director of the CIA. . .wow, or the military leaders accused of fooling around...I would say things are really a "bit off" up there in Washington. Well, that sure makes us feel good, doesn't it? Shame on them! I haven't cheated on my spouse or lied to an investigating committee in Congress or even gone on national television with "misleading" information. Nope, none of the above. My sins are pretty small, and those guys up there, well, that is what we expect, right?

Recently, in my BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) class the topic of sin came up. Let's say, others' sin which is easier for us than our own. Like when Noah got drunk. Yes, the same spiritual leader who the Lord found righteous among a whole world of A-1 sinners. The one who had faith to obey God when God told him He was going to flood the earth even though no one had ever seen rain! He built an ark while everyone mocked him, for a year! God saved this righteous man, his family and animals to repopulate the earth. God delivered Noah and the first thing Noah did after over a year on the ark was build an altar and praise God. This faithful man was a giant hero of the Bible! (One note about God's Word: heroes' lives are never sugar-coated. The men and women are described as real and human and sinners just like us.) So in spite of his faith, Noah fell into sin. It took him a little while to get there, since he had to plant some seeds, grow some grapes, ferment the fruit and make wine. When he was done, Noah overindulged!

Sometimes after a great victory it is the time to watch out! So Noah's sin of drunkenness caused him to pass out naked in his tent. Could have ended there, but the really bad part came next. One of Noah's sons, Ham, found his drunken Dad, laughed at him, mocked him and tried to get his brothers to join in...bad son. The other two brothers refused and actually covered their father, showing kindness and compassion. Later they were rewarded, as Japheth became the originator of the Gentile world and the other son, Shem, became the father of the Israelite line. Ham's descendants are still causing trouble today, worshipping idols and trying to destroy Israel.

The key for us in this story is how we respond to others' sins. Do we gloat or gossip? Snicker or feel superior? I'm guilty. It is convicting to see sin as God does (at least, to try). The true measure of a Christian's character is how he responds to another's sin. So if we observe someone who is a little "off" in his behavior, we should try to help, cover his sin, not spread the news, and pray for him to be restored and "sober up."

"Live creatively, friends. If someone falls into sin, forgivingly restore him, saving your critical comments for yourself. You might be needing forgiveness before the day is out." Galatians 6:1-2.
The Message Bible

Father, help us to see sin as You see it. Give us a restoring heart and shut our mouths to gossip about others' sin. Let us be witnesses of Your forgiveness in our own lives through Your power.


Day 9 of 4: God's Perspective

Day 9 of 4 More YearsOriginally posted on Facebook on November 15, 2012

Perspective. Where do we get true wisdom? As my Bible Study Fellowship leader said to us yesterday, true wisdom begins when we adopt God's perspective. Ok, that sounds great! Let's do it! I want to have wisdom. However, the catch word is "begins." It is a process like so many things in life. So, let's just start. 

Here's what I was thinking: Are you familiar with the phrase, "don't make me come down there!" Or "over there" or "up there" or "stop this car!" Common phrases we have all used as frustrated parents. Have you ever thought that God thought of us that way? In the Genesis study we are doing, the Tower of Babel was the subject this week. It actually says in Genesis 11:5 that "the Lord came down to see the city and the tower that the men were building." Most of you know the story quite well. God was not coming down to admire their handiwork and He certainly wasn't pleased. In fact He actually laughed at their plans! In Psalms 2:3 it says that God was amused at how the nations conspired and plotted to be in control. The amusement did not last forever as God has a "severe mercy" planned for those who disobey, deny, rebel or mock God by trying to be like Him. Thank Goodness, God is slow to anger and slow to bring judgment on His wayward people. But just as God confused the speech of the people building the Tower of Babel, He will surely deal with us at some time. His time. And only He knows that day.

After having my fill of the news, filled with awful revelations about the military leaders, the lack of protection for our consulate, the unending stream of evil and corruption, I turned it all off. What on earth could God's perspective be of this mess? Where are God's people? Why is the picture so awful, bleak and sinful? Did God make this, too? When He created the beautiful earth, could He have known it would turn out like this? Did He allow it? If so, why? My leader told us why. So we would seek Him. Remember the darkest day ever on earth was Good Friday with even the day sky turning black as sin was poured out on Jesus. (That would be our sin, awful thought.) God was in total control that day, too. And the everlasting truth is that God is on His throne right now with Jesus seated at His right hand. We are forgiven because of the darkest day ever which on the 3rd day became the brightest day of Jesus resurrection! God's perspective is that He does "come down here" to discipline us with His tender mercy. The problems today, while awful, can be overcome through the One who overcame the worst the world had to offer!

Borrowing an example from my leader again is the idea of riding in a car driven by someone you totally trust. No white-knuckle experience with a bad driver, but a sweet ride. One where you can lean your seat back, read a book, snuggle up with a pillow and even fall fast asleep, resting in the knowledge that you are safe. You can trust the driver of your life car, too. He will save you, protect you and go with you to your eternal destination. We can trust His perspective all the way home.

"May He enlighten the eyes of your mind so that you can see what hope His call has for you." Ephesians 1:18

"With one sacrifice He made perfect forever those who are being made holy." Hebrews 10:14

Today, please God, give us peace and wisdom to attempt to see our world through your eyes, give us Your perspective so that You won't have to "come down here" yet. When you do come, please, Father, take us home with You.


Day 8 of 4: Freedom Isn't Free (11/14/12)

Day 8 of 4 More YearsOriginally posted on Facebook on November 14, 2012

"Freedom isn't free." During the recent celebration of Veterans' Day, you may have heard those words. "Those who gave the ultimate sacrifice." "If you are free to pray, thank a veteran." The brave men and women who serve our country are certainly to be honored. They are brave, yet most are surely afraid at times. They are unselfish though some may have other motives. They are heroes, too, though some fall short in moral areas, as we learned this week about one of our finest generals. After all, they are human just like the rest of us. But we owe them respect and gratitude. Freedom is never to be taken for granted.

What about the greatest freedom? The freedom we have in Jesus Christ?
Does our country acknowledge it at all? I believe a portion of our country has turned its back on one of the greatest true freedoms and blessing. Even patriotism has been recently attacked. The idea of all cultures and religions being equal is heard. Our president was also heard apologizing for America in speeches to foreign countries. Popular beliefs are that God should be removed from our government, buildings, schools, money and political parties.

Are we free to take God out? Will God continue to bless us if we compromise our beliefs or even reject Him? Do our leaders have to walk with God? Can we trust them if they do not publicly profess God? I have some hope for today in this area: in the Old Testament there are many examples where God used unbelieving kings and leaders to achieve His purposes. In Isaiah 37 we read about King Hezekiah, a god-fearing man who was selfish and ridiculous in many ways. But God not only used him but blessed him, even answering his prayers for an extension on his life. 

An even more amazing story is how God used the
pagan King Cyrus. God even took the gentile, pagan ruler by his right hand and led him to victory! Incredible! It was not even necessary for Cyrus to acknowledge the Lord for God to use him. God even spoke to Cyrus directly! God is a personal God even to the unbelievers! Hard to imagine, but true. Read about it in Isaiah 45. Let us not give up on America acknowledging God again. We still are a nation of believers. I choose to believe that we are still the majority, and that we haven't fallen as low as Sodom and Gomorrah! We get what we do not deserve in this country today: Freedom!

Just read this amazing, comforting word from God:
"...and there is no God apart from me, a righteous God and a Savior, there is none but me.
Turn to me and be saved, all you ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is no other.
By myself I have sworn, my mouth has uttered in all integrity a word that will not be revoked:
Before me every knee will bow; by me every tongue will swear.
They will say of me, 'In The Lord alone are righteousness and strength.'
All who have raged against him will come to him and be put to shame.
But in The Lord all the descendants of Israel will be found righteous and will exult."
Isaiah 45:21-25

Father, please bless our nation again and use all our leaders to achieve Your master plan for the United States. Help us all to be found among the righteous when You come again to take us home to You.


Day 7 of 4: Lions, Fire & the Pit (11/13/12)

Day 7 of 4 More YearsOriginally posted on Facebook on November 13, 2012

A week! It has only been a week since the election, but it seems much longer to me. How are you doing? Are you discouraged? Resigned to our future? Tired already? I have had all these feelings this past week. So, today I want to get better. Let's think about something else!

Think about: lions and fire and the pit. I was just reading about Daniel. His incredible stand for the Lord under extreme difficulty. And about Joseph whose own family tried to kill him. How easy it would have been for these two men to let the obstacles define and destroy them.

In the story of Joseph, God taught him humility in an almost devastating situation. God taught him to be totally dependent on Him, as everything was taken from Joseph, even his beautiful coat. What got Joseph through? He had no where else to turn. I believe God sometimes puts us or allows us to be put in extreme circumstances to see where we will put our trust. In Joseph's life we see that much later, after years of trials and blessings, Joseph emerged as a strong, mighty and gracious leader for God. 

The story of Daniel is such a familiar, triumphant encouragement for us today. His resolve and trust in God was certainly put to the test. In captivity, the young, strong men of Israel were given extreme challenges. First, they refused to eat the rich, forbidden food of the king and got stronger anyway. Then three of the men were thrown into the fiery furnace and emerged triumphant, beating the heat! Not only did they survive, but they didn't even smell like smoke ! (I love that detail!). The attacks continued, culminating in Daniel being thrown into a den of hungry lions. Again, God delivered the faithful Daniel!

How are the lions around you today? Hungry? Do you feel you are about to be consumed or at least gnawed on? Is it a fire surrounding you? Is it getting warm? Do doubts seem like little sparks on the smoldering embers? We are not consumed yet. Let's refuse to feed the fire today. Throw the cool water of God's Word on it!

Then, how about your family? Like Joseph, are we arrogant about our beautiful coat? Are we dreaming in the corner? Is there jealousy simmering on the back burner of our situation? Or is God preparing us for another great thing? Does dependence on God need to be our only source of pride? These questions are hard ones for me. I am no spiritual giant, but I am sure of where I need to get my answers.

Let's remember these two mighty men of the Old Testament today. Let their examples encourage us to let God shut our lions' mouths, protect us from the fire and deliver us from the evil plots of men! After all, our God is mightier than them all!

"When Daniel was lifted from the den, no wound was found on him because he had trusted in his God." Daniel 6:23

"The Lord was with Joseph and gave him success in whatever he did." Genesis 39:23

Mighty God, go before us today, defending us against all forms of attack and encourage us with the way you will provide all we need.

Day 6 of 4: The Truth in Love (11/12/12)

Day 6 of 4 More YearsOriginally posted on Facebook on November 12, 2012

Just like me! Fellowship with kindred believers! Blessing!

Do you (like me) enjoy being with people who generally agree with you? Isn't it refreshing to have a friend you can relax with, confide in and just be yourself? Someone who reflects your point of view. Someone you do not have to be defensive with and you can let all your ideas out without fear. You can talk about Jesus, the election, the Cowboys, your kids, whatever!

Where are you most comfortable? With your family? Close friends? How about church? The grocery store? School? How about a party of liberals? In every way, liberal: in spiritual ideas, social choices, immigration, or one of my favorite topics: Israel, too!

Put on your armor! We are going in! Here is my story. Recently I was invited to my neighbors' house for a party. These neighbors are good friends to me. Hard working, friendly, caring and have supported me tremendously since Scott died. I enjoy our conversations "in the yard." However our paths have not crossed socially. I don't think my bumper stickers and yard signs would have been in their yard or on their cars. Don't see them heading to church on Sunday mornings, but maybe Saturday church is for them.

The party invite was unexpected but welcome. Didn't take long to hear the liberal casual conversation and election results came up in a light way. I kept my mouth closed! I know some of you are suspicious of that! I was taught not to go to someone's house and bring up uncomfortable topics. But it was more than that. I was on uncertain footing, where I held the minority opinion. My story does not have a triumphant ending where eloquent, convicting words flowed from my lips. However, I knew I could go there, it is possible to be bold when I feel different, or be brave with the power of God's truth. Maybe if I get another invitation I will go again. Not to be rude or confrontational but loving and truthful.

Today, let's go there. Apparently there are at least 44% of the country who feel very differently than most of us. I plan to go there only after I am prayed up, studied up in God's Word, and relied on Him to tell me what to say. Or maybe He just wants me to listen and be a better friend and neighbor.
Jesus used the word "truth" 86 times (at least that's how many I counted) in the gospels! The truth in love is a "big deal!"

"I speak the truth in Christ." Romans 9:1

"Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful schemes. Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into Him who is the Head, that is, Christ." Ephesians 4:14-15.

Pray: Father, give us your words of truth to give out in love to the world.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Day 5 of 4 - Heavenly Sunlight (11/11/12)

Day 5 of 4 More YearsOriginally posted on Facebook on November 11, 2012

Are you afraid? I might bravely sum up the courage to say, why no, of course not! I am walking in the protection of the God of Creation! But truthfully, fears creep in. The fearfulness of this unsettled time in our country is palpable. The rumbling of the fiscal cliff, the turmoil of negotiations between two opposing parties, the anxiety of our own financial state and the constant bickering is wearing on all of us. Top off this sour sundae with the cherry of health concerns, personal trials, responsibilities of children and spouses and the picture is depressing and fearful.

Enough!!! Comfort for me today and hopefully for you is available right now! Remember Jesus tells us to never fear because He has overcome the world! So, how do we put these comforting words into our minds and embrace them in our souls? I have a solution that works. Just try it: Praise!

Praise Him today in music. Instead of Fox News, try the Good News! After all it is Sunday and it is hymn day! In high school I played the piano for our rural church in Adamsville (not very well, but with all my heart!). At that time, the pastor handed me his chosen hymns as I arrived at church (not always great since I didn't get to practice. And a little nerve wracking for me and my sweet Mom who was in the audience). But now it is my turn to choose, a song I love and actually play ok. 

"Heavenly Sunlight"

"Walking in sunlight all of my journey; over the mountains, through the deep vale, Jesus has said, 'I'll never forsake you.' Promise divine that never can fail.

Shadows around me, shadows above me, never conceal my Savior and Guide; He is the light, in Him is no darkness; ever I'm walking close to His side.

In the bright sunlight, ever rejoicing, pressing my way to mansions above; singing His praises gladly I'm walking, walking in sunlight, sunlight of love.

Heavenly sunlight, heavenly sunlight, flooding my soul with glory divine; Hallelujah, I am rejoicing, singing His praises, Jesus is mine."

Pray: Father, fill our path today with sunlight and take away the fears. Dispel them with the light of Your love.


Day 4 of 4 - Do You Have a Filter? (11/10/12)

Day 4 of 4 More YearsOriginally posted on Facebook on November 10, 2012

Do you have a filter? What is a filter anyway? For the last few days, the idea of filters of thought have intrigued me. Let's say, for current example, we all saw the results of the election. You and I both looked at the same situation with totally different reactions. Did we see the same thing? Perhaps, but our filter saw it differently. If you and I have a similar filter, we will agree about the outcome. Ok, why would that interest me for even two seconds? 

Here is why: A filter in this example is a lens through which you see the world. You will not be surprised to know that I have a political filter. Ever since I was my high school campaign chairman of Barry Goldwater's presidential campaign in 1964, I have loved politics. By the way, we won in the high school election, but Mr. Goldwater failed miserably in the national race! I will say this political bent never helped me get any dates! Sorry for the digression.

That sort of explains one of my filters. But you and I don't have just one filter. We have several which sort of layer over each other. I also have a Christian filter, which I pray dominates all the others. When our Christian "eyes" see a situation, the filter of what I see is changed by my belief in the Savior. My eyes hopefully become like His. And that makes all the difference in how we "see" a situation, "see" other people and "see" our own lives.

If we see the candidate for President of the United States, a teacher in our child's school or a dear friend through God's filter, all is changed. That is also why it is so critical for us to know God's Word. That adds a sharper focus to the lens, along with the Holy Spirit inside.

So, no big insights today on the unfolding tragedy happening in Washington. I know God can take care of that today without my help! I am cleaning my filter today, however, with His help. I took off the rose-colored glasses many are using today where everything is just swell now that their candidate is elected. And I am putting on the sharp, clear, compassionate lens of God's Word and asking the Holy Spirit to fill me up and feel the Presence of the Savior! I love the way the world looks from here!

"The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light." Matthew 6:22
Pray: Father, give us your clear filter of truth to see the our lives today. Help us give off light to the darkness in You.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Day 3 of 4: Liberals, I Love Them (11/9/12)

Day 3 of 4 More YearsOriginally posted on Facebook on November 9, 2012

Liberals! I love them, too! On another post I talked of my love for Democrats, so I feel it is appropriate to talk about liberals. Not all Democrats are liberals and vice versa, as I understand it. Right now, the liberal wing of the Democratic Party is driving the bus, however. It must be difficult to be in the minority, even in your own party! So bear with me, as I have lots to learn. If I misspeak, it is not on purpose.

Yesterday, I spent most of the day with my renovating contractor here at my house in Paradise. I know you have heard the term "character." He is that in spades! He also has character to add to his attributes! Funny, intelligent, creative, caring and totally kind describe him. He is a "can do" person, a self-made businessman. I love that he laughs easily, picks up stray animals and finds them homes, drops everything to help his friends and family. He is beginning to sound like a saint from my description, right? Well, his heart is huge and tucked into his big, old heart is a foundation in liberalism.

Liberal background 101 was his main course in life. Although not born there, California was the place he lived many years. Not just any town in the Golden state, but San Francisco! He was immersed for many years in the pool of liberalism. Can you imagine the culture shock of coming to live in Texas! And not liberal Austin, but conservative, Bible-believing Lampasas! Our home grown Democrats must have seemed like a throw back to him. However, he does not easily affiliate with a political party. His opinions are rather about issues like being "green," racial equality and women's rights. He speaks fondly and reverently about "Mother Earth," commenting often on her power, as in Hurricane Sandy changing the course of men's lives. He loves that I recycle, he appreciates my love of nature, the land and the value I place on my home place. My opinions are respected and my Biblical perspective is listened to (at least he has a curious look on his face!).

Yesterday, we spent quite some time (as we worked around here) talking about the election. He is not a gloater or a "ha, too bad, you lost" kind of person. So finally, the conversation got to one of my favorite topics: Israel! We talked some about Genesis and the origin of God's select people, and how now we are included with them. It was good to share history of God's Word and to point out how His plan includes us today. Sort of got stopped up a little on world peace, which he truly believes is attainable, and that we can make nations love us by just being kind. So, I got to share my favorite bumper sticker, too: "Pray for Whirled Peas." I love that!

Thank you for letting me share thoughts about my friend. He is about as liberal as they come. The only fiery (?) part of our discussion was about abortion. He is so gentle, loving and kind that is difficult for me to understand his lack of compassion for the unborn. And I told him just that. He started rattling off talking points about white men in suits telling a woman what she can do with her body! I'm working on that. The death penalty is on the list of future topics, too!

So, why am I telling you all this? I just wanted you to see what I saw in him. He is one of the best people I know. And while we disagree on many points, we found areas of common belief. I pray that it is there we can meet and have an eternal dialogue. He deserves to hear all the "good news!" And I'll bet he is posting somewhere in his mind a story about his crazy conservative, Bible toting, gun loving, answered prayer believing client and friend!

If you have time, I would love to hear about your liberal friends. And if some of you are liberal, I would love to hear your story. Because, like Billy Graham never fails to tell us, "God loves you!"

I love this passage from 2 Timothy 3:13-17" must keep on believing the things you have been taught. You know they are true for you know you can trust those of us who have taught you. You know how, when you were a small child, you were taught the Holy Scriptures; and it is these that make you wise to accept God's salvation by trusting in Christ Jesus. The whole Bible was given to us by inspiration from God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives; it straightens us out and helps us do what is right. It is God's way of making us well prepared at every point, fully equipped to do good to everyone."

Pray: Father, fill us today with Your Holy Word, so that we can give it out through the Holy Spirit. 

Day 2 of 4 - Living Water (11/8/12)

Day 2 of 4 More YearsOriginally posted on Facebook on November 8, 2012

What do we do when we do get our way? Or when we think we got our way? When we believe God answered our prayers, and rejected the opponent's prayers? Since I addressed my/our side yesterday, I thought it might be helpful to think about it from the opposite perspective. So, let us imagine role reversal.

Ok, sounds good, but let's not. Not yet, anyway. That just hurts too much today. And what really hurts is the attitude from some of the "winners" of Tuesday's election. Please, Lord, I do not want to think any of us would have said the vile, ugliness I have heard. (FYI, be careful where you look. I just wanted to encourage Mike Huckabee for his wonderful, encouragement from God's Word. My heart sank at the hate directed at that delightful man of God. I know evil attacks if you are doing good, and that must be the case with Mike.)

Forget the role switch for now.

Here is the example I can't get get out of my mind: As some of you know, I inherited my childhood home in Lampasas county. It is my earthly Paradise, and that's it's name. I have been remodeling it for almost a year and finally had to replace the hot water heater. Stay with me here, ok? The strange truth is that a house that stands empty for weeks at a time has challenges. A huge one for me is "stinky water!" Yes, after less than a month, the hot water smelled like rotten eggs! Here is why: the manufacturer puts a metal piece called the "sacrificial" anode in the tank. It attracts and holds chemical impurities in the water that might corrode the tank itself. A lot of people remove it before they even install the tank. Yes, it voids the warranty, but with the attracting anode gone, the water flows freely through, gets hot and yea! No smell! The offending minerals are still there, but they are no longer concentrated. Lovely water again!

This is how I see us. Jesus Christ gave pure, living water to those He touched here on earth and today through belief and living in His life promises. We are like the tank with the smelly water to give off, until Jesus removes the terrible, smelly anode of sin. Before Jesus comes into our lives, we are helpless to give out anything pure. Sin is collecting all day long. Simple right? Anode gone, water sweet! However, just as the water coming out of my heater tastes better and smells better, it is still not pure. There is impurity there, but it is diluted and can't stick in the tank to pollute the water. Even though Jesus removed the anode or sin collector in us, we still are sinners and need a constant refreshing of Jesus to keep the water coming out of us better, purer and attractive to those who need the spiritual water for today.

Let us then today, give out living water. Run from those giving out the stinky water. Those who continue to profess with their mouths that they are Christians, that God is on their side, that our prayers weren't answered because we aren't on the "right" side of the election. We are not like that! We are better than that! And though we are not pure, we can through the sacrifice of Jesus, give out sweet, living water!

"Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life." John 4:13
Dear Father, Let us give out Your eternal water to someone today. Amen

Day 1 of 4: When You Don't Get Your Way (11/7/12)

Day 1 of 4 More YearsOriginally posted on Facebook on November 7, 2012

What do we do when we don't get our way? What happens when our hopes clash with reality? The true measure of our character and witness of Christ is what we do and who we reflect when we don't get what we prayed for. I certainly didn't measure up so well last night. I believed I knew God was going to answer our prayers and elect the man who best reflected the godly principles and integrity I believe in. I believe God rewards the men and women who follow Him. But I am not God. 

Here are some things I believe:

God listens. Certainly during the 40 days of Prayer God heard us. So why didn't He answer our prayers? The answer is He did. Just not the way we believed He would. The following emotions flooded me (and maybe you, too): shock, anger, disbelief and fear. Let it go....let those feelings wash over you, give in to them for a time, and let them go. 

Time heals. It is our friend in the healing of our disappointment. I learned that in my own personal great grief. God is still our best friend. He loves us. We can trust Him when nothing else makes sense.

Today  you have a choice. I choose to walk with my Savior. It may sound weak to walk the "high road," but when I choose the high road with Jesus, I can walk with Him in triumph over circumstances I will never understand. Walking that road is not easy, but we have the best company!

Sheep. Just like the sheep I talked about yesterday, we have had a hard trail to get to the green pastures, the cool,still waters and the safety and peace of the Shepherd. I know we can do it! We (most of us) have a shared disappointment, limited understanding and pain today. But look to the Shepherd.

Look up. My daughter posted today the words of the beautiful hymn, "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus."
Last night, I did that, and "the things of earth became strangely dim." So I stayed a while in the tall, green grass. I encourage you to do the same today. For one day or several hours, then....

Get Up. Let's get back to work for the Kingdom is coming! Jesus is coming again! Maybe it will be sooner now, so stay busy until He comes to take us to Him!

Love each other. I do love you all. The special friends who "like" what I say and forgive my indulgences. Thank you for kind comments and not blasting me too hard. I chose to make my personal quest for prayer public, and I thank you for your understanding of my passionate feelings. I know God loves us all equally, and He loves us so much individually that He would have sent His Son to die for just one of us!

Forgive. God will reward our desire to forgive each other, and to be One in service to His Kingdom. 

Believe. I will never change what I believe in Christ Jesus, nor do I feel my beliefs were not validated in this election. Compromise is only good for political issues, not in valuing human life or God's Word.

Thank you for giving me the chance to praise Him!

Cape Disappointment Lighthouse, Washington
"Where can I go from Your Spirit? Where can I flee from Your Presence? If I go up to the heavens, You are there; if I make my bed in the depths, You are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there Your Hand will guide me, Your right Hand will hold me fast." Psalm 139:7-10.

Day 40 - The Lord is My Shepherd (11/6/12)

Day 40 of 40 days of prayer for the electionOriginally posted on Facebook on November 6, 2012

It is finally here! The day America decides who we want to be president for the next four years! Do I know the outcome? No, but I trust completely the One who does! And as a dear friend posted this morning, "No matter who is president, Jesus is King!"

This morning I read a passage from a devotional by Max Lucado. He quoted Psalm 23:2: "He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside still waters." 
The artist, poet David paints a beautiful, serene scene of rest. When you feel anxious today, overwhelmed by exit polls, discouraged by news media, or overwhelmed by election noise of all kinds, go there! 
Did those sheep have some trouble getting there? I'm sure they did. And so have we. But who is in charge in this picture? The sheep? No, they are laying on their fat bellies in the tall, sweet grass. (I know they are full or they would be chomping on it. I used to have sheep, and they aren't too smart). Their thirst has been quenched by the still waters.

All their physical and spiritual needs have been met. So who led them there? They followed their shepherd to a resting place. How long did they stay? I'm sure it was a while, as long as they could. Their shepherd was guarding them from all dangers.

They could relax in the peace of fullness and safety. The sheep knew their shepherd cared for them, and they trusted him completely.

We, too, can trust the Great Shepherd, the One who will not only care for all our needs but search for us forever is we stray. The Shepherd chooses our paths, too, even the rocky ones. 

So, what was the sheep's job? To watch the shepherd and obey him. That is our job, too. It seems so simple. This chapter is probably one of the best known ones in the Bible, but following it is not easy. 

However, the Great Shepherd offers us abundant rewards for today and tomorrow if we trust Him! Especially today, He gives us a place of peace. 

So, close your eyes, travel in your mind with the Shepherd to that green pasture and rest as He looks after your needs today! That's what I plan to do! I hope you will join me!


* Heavenly Father, look out for Your sheep today.

* Great Shepherd, call us to You for calmness in a troubling time.

* Dear Jesus, give us Your attitude as we rest in peace concerning the outcome of the election.

* Father, put Your Hand on the voters today and guide them in Your Way of truth.


Day 39 - A Mormon President (11/5/12)

Day 39 of 40 days of prayer for the electionOriginally posted on Facebook on November 5, 2012

So close! To God, that is! One more day!

Today's topic is not what I planned, but a couple of things changed yesterday. First I planned to give you Jesus' telephone number (cell?) in case there was anything you needed in the next couple of days. I learned it long ago from my first BSF leader. It is Jeremiah 33:3: "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." 

The sermon at my church yesterday was from 1 Samuel 3:1-21. It was about the Lord's calling of young Samuel into His service. It is a wonderful story of God's rewarding obedience. Also, I thought I would remind us of the qualifications of the leaders of God, and the need for us to be quiet so we could hear God's call. All wrapped up in my mind....

But, (right here is a good place to delete or indulge me), I don't want to go here, but I feel led to say this. Something happened that troubled me at the end of the service. There was a brief video of a woman describing her call from God and her reward of obedience to Him. She is a former Mormon who was called to witness to other Mormons. That was strange. Two days before the election, and Mormonism is brought up again. Now, I do not believe my church leaders meant to be political. But I have a political filter and it troubled me. Has his Mormonism ever bothered you?

Confession here. At the beginning of the primary season, I had a hard time making Mitt Romney my first choice because of that. I always felt he was the strongest on the economy and his having a background as a businessman helped. I believed he was a good, solid man, a family man, a brilliant man, a great speaker, and his conservative beliefs were right in line with mine. And he respected and wanted to ally with Israel, and he was pro-life except for rape and incest. Wow! Perfect, except for the Mormon part. 

Mind changed! When the choice came to the two men presented tomorrow for election, the choice is perfectly clear. And where my heart and mind are convicted here is the answer. We are not electing a chaplain-in-chief, but a commander-in-chief. He is not going to be the spiritual leader of the country. Throughout history, we have had presidents with differing religious backgrounds, and many effective ones were not evangelical Christians.

So rather than go on and on about the two candidates' qualifications for Christians to assess, I will point you to the best video of a sermon about the election. I urge you to take 30 minutes to watch this. It will either change your mind or give you hope and peace or both.

Sermon by David Jeremiah on Vimeo:


* Father, You alone are our wisdom for these decision making days. Please give us a mind to follow You.

* Holy Spirit, fill us with Your Presence as we go about our day. Help us give out peace to a troubled world.

* Merciful Father, help the victims of the terrible storm. They need You and Your servants to give them     relief today.

* Dear Jesus, may we never take for granted Your call to follow You. Open our ears to hear You today.


Day 38 - Battle Hymn of the Republic (11/4/12)

Day 38 of 40 days of prayer for the electionOriginally posted on Facebook on November 4, 2012

Sunday, hymn day! I saved the best hymn (my opinion) for the last Sunday. My choice today is "The Battle Hymn of the Republic." I always liked this song as a kid. It is easy to play and to sing, even in my limited range. It is strong and dynamic. It focuses on triumph in God's will! Here are some things I didn't know:

The scripture associated with it in my hymnal is Isaiah 6:1: "I have seen The Lord seated on a throne, high and exalted."

It was written in November 1861 by a woman (yea! Pretty tough words for a lady) named Julia Ward Howe. The tune is a folk song written during the Civil War, "John Brown's Body." The song connects the judgment of God at the end of time with the American Civil War. Some scriptures in the song (there are many) are Isaiah 27:1 "terrible swift sword," Revelation 19:15 "the Word of God wields a sharp sword," Daniel 5:15 "writing on the wall," Genesis 3:15 Eve's descendants crushing the serpent and on and on.

This patriotic hymn is sung traditionally in many ways. Often it is sung at national political conventions before references to God became controversial, and at presidential inaugurations. It was one of Winston Churchill's favorite songs and was sung at his funeral in 1965. Notably it was played on September 14, 2001 at the Washington National Cathedral during the memorial services for the victims of the September 11 attacks. Popularly many groups and individuals have sung it. The Mormon Tabernacle Choir won a Grammy award for singing it in 1960. Judy Garland sang it on her television show in 1963, as an honor to JFK after his assassination. Andy Williams sang it a capella in 1968 at Robert Kennedy's funeral. Whitney Houston performed it at her "Welcome Home Heroes" concert in 1991. Let's just say this beautiful song has quite a history!

Phrases meaningful to me are "glory of the coming of The Lord," "He is sifting out the hearts' of men before His judgment seat," "in the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea," "glory that transfigures you and me," "let us live to make men free!" And the best: "He is wisdom to the mighty, He is honor to the brave, the world shall be His footstool and the soul of wrong His slave, Our God is marching on!"

I shared a link above this post to a remarkable video if you want to hear it sung grandly! I'm also looking for Whitney to link, too.


* Let us praise you today, Majestic God!

* Father, give us full hearts to sing of Your Glory and deliverance.

* Heavenly Father, keep our focus on the eternal and our trust in You alone for all our needs.
