Monday, August 26, 2013

January 6 - A Secret Place (1/6/13)

January 6th - A secret place

Do you have a secret place? A quiet place, safe and serene. A place to talk to God, listen to Him, observe the beauty of His world or just quietly absorb the truths of His Word? Is it under a tree in the back yard? At a park near your house? On your porch, in your cozy bed on a cold winter morning, or a comfy chair in front of a fire? Can you go there when you aren't there? Close your eyes and be there, smell the outdoor smells, the smoke from the fire, hear the birds sing or just hear nothing…quiet…peace? Ok, imagine there are 6 precious loved ones running around, laughing, screaming and playing…cold outside, they are inside and you are not alone. Is the quiet place still there? Do you need to hide in a closet? Or sit outside in the driveway in your car? How long do you need to be there to feel refreshed?

For two blessed days I have been away from my usual. My normal 
routine was given up for the blessings of keeping three of my grands while my middle daughter and son in law got a well-deserved anniversary weekend. My resourceful oldest daughter and husband were the keys to the success. Their youth and experience played an enormous part in the wonderful time we had. So grandkids for 24/7 was not bad at all! It was delightful! There is something terrific about being "in charge" for a temporary amount of time. Your rules can sort of imitate the parents' rules without too much damage if you aren't perfect. A tiny slip up in bed time ritual, or forgetting to brush every single tooth for two days, won't do irreparable harm. The number one goal for all three of the adults was safety! And we succeeded there! My heart is full of gratitude to the team of three. It also made me appreciate again the work children can be and the pride I have in all of my children as parents! They are great at it! I can also testify to the joy of being the grandparent. It is a role that is the best of the best…. a little bit strict (very little) but a lot of love! Just lavishing them with love every chance I got! That was the best part!

In all the hustle, bustle, laughter, tears and survival tactics, I did find a short time to go to my quiet place. Just a few minutes with my Bible and a breath of God's Word, and it was multiplied to me. I was fine, I was filled up and refreshed in Him. I closed my eyes, opened the book with all the answers, asked God for His blessing and it was given. All was well, and all is well.

"He that dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. He is my refuge and my fortress; my God, in Him will I trust. ..He will give His angels charge over you, to keep you safe." Psalm 91:11

Pray: Thank you, Father, for the refreshment of time with You. Your protection is the source of peace in the midst of chaos and noise. Your presence is the protection for all those who trust in You. You are the amazing God of the secret places. 

Saturday, August 24, 2013

January 5 - Who's the winner? (1/5/13)

January 5 - Who's the winner?

I watched an amazing football game last night. It had been advertised and "hyped" in the paper and television. Parts of it were amazing. There was lots of cheering and emotion on both sides. But when the final seconds ticked away, there was a winner. The winner was thrilled; the loser dismayed. Just like in life, the score reflected a victory for one of the teams. Today in "Jesus Calling" I read about a different kind of victory: the victorious life. Last night, the team that made the fewest number of mistakes were the winners. But in achieving the victorious life, you must make mistakes in order to win. That fact seems counterintuitive and somehow just wrong. However, we must remember that God doesn't measure the way the world does. When we make mistakes, it points to our own neediness and inability to be perfect.

Today I am not setting out in my day to "mess up" and fail. My goal today is to be good, Christ-like, sin-free and perfect. What are the chances I will succeed? Zero…nada…no way. When I fail, as I most certainly will, I look to the one who can forgive me. I live in dependence on Him not in perfection (and for that I am glad).
Just like the 10 Commandments were not set up by God so that we could keep them. No, God gave them so we would have a set of goals to attempt, a measure of perfection that we couldn't possibly achieve. Hooray! We are not losers because we are losers and are already forgiven. Living in dependence on God's forgiveness is true perfection. The more we fail the more we grow. Unlike the football team who achieved a victory last night that lasts for a day, a year or someone's record book, we can achieve the victorious life. The best way to live after all!

"The righteous cry out and the Lord hears them; He delivers them from all their troubles. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves this who are crushed in spirit." Psalm 34:17-18

"The victory is ours…with God we will gain the victory." Psalm 60:12

Pray: Father, today let us live the victorious life in Your blessed forgiveness. Help us to look to You for the joy in the victory! Amen

Friday, August 23, 2013

January 4 - Do you like me? (1/4/13)

January 4 - Do you like me?

The question for the day is "do you like me?" Do you care if people like you? I really didn't want to address this topic, but it won't let go, so I'm going there. I need to discuss something about me. Now that sounds self-centered, doesn't it?

Remember when Rick Warren said, "It's not all about you." And he is so right, but to get over myself I need to confess this to you. I really want you to like me. You may say everyone feels that way, but truth is, some people don't care if you like them or not. With me, it has always been important to be liked. As a child I learned early on that I could please people by certain behaviors. If I smiled sweetly, spoke politely (for the most part), gave hugs, looked adults in the eyes and obeyed them when they could see me, they would like me. Teachers were easy: they just wanted a peaceful classroom, a student who tried very hard and did her homework. Worked like a charm. With adults it worked mostly the same. With my peers, I found they liked me better when I was pleasant, was bossy when they needed to follow someone, helped them with their homework or problems, and said what they wanted to hear for the most part, too. Tada! I was popular. When I was around a person, I had a sense of what that person needed and filled it if I could. Generally, I was tenderhearted toward people and found out early on that most people had things about them that I liked, too. Sometimes I had to look harder to find it, but it was always there. I also liked shy people. One reason is that I had a very shy brother and early on, I saw how painful shyness can be. Since I wasn't shy, it was easy to help them. I could be their spokesperson or make them feel comfortable. Shy people were drawn to me because I saw it and really wanted to help, to make them feel comfortable, at least with me. Scott used to joke that one of the reasons he married me was that he never had to feel shy or make "small talk" at a party. Funny how opposites often attract. Ok, so I could do popular. That is not the problem or if you look at it another way, it is the problem.

God made me this way. He put a "friendly" gene in me. This is one of the gifts that has a double-edge to it. It can be bothersome, especially if I want to be in a hurry or efficient. It can be embarrassing to others, particularly your children. But the real down side is that I am a "people pleaser." It hurts when I think I am not liked or popular. I like to think that people like me and that can also be a handicap. When I am called to step out, step up and boldly tell others of the "good news" of Jesus, it can be difficult for me. Boldness is not the same thing as friendliness. After all the hearer (could be you) may not want to hear about salvation. Maybe "religious" people turn them off, or make them uncomfortable. Remember, I want you to be comfortable in my presence. But, I do believe God can use a "people pleaser." 

If you are not like me, please know that I "get" you. We have something in common. Yet wanting to please others more than anything else does not please God. Why? Because He wants the first desire of our hearts to be to please Him at any cost. Even at the cost of being popular. So, does He want me to stop being friendly? Of course not. For me, that would almost be like stopping breathing. What He does want is for me to use my "friendly" gift for Him, to win others to Him, to draw them to the reason for my joy. God wants us to be friendly and joyful in Him alone. To give out the real joy that only comes from forgiveness of sin. I do want to be your friend. I am sincerely interested in you. In addition to liking me back, it is my desire for you to know Jesus. So as I talk to the strangers in my world or friends or family, I am asking God to help me give out the message of the one true friend we have in Jesus Christ. I hope you still like me after this self-centered rambling message. I want Jesus to be honored by my friendliness today and that you also know Him as your best friend.

"Don't you know that friendship with the world is hatred toward God? Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God." James 4:4

"Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command." John 15:12-14

"Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness, and he was called God's friend." James 2:23

Pray: Help us today, Father, to be friends to each other, to love You more than the world and to give out the truth boldly to a needy people. Amen

Thursday, August 22, 2013

January 3 - Second Chances (1/3/13)

January 3 - Second Chances

A second chance….ok, I am not talking about the dreaded New Year's Resolutions which we agreed are off limits. I did read in the newspaper that 60% of people have already broken their resolutions anyway! Here I am talking about getting another chance to get something right. Maybe it is a habit we are trying to establish. The key is not to add to our "to do" list but subtract from it in order to be successful. This is the great part: we can take away a useless or troublesome activity in order to add something positive without missing a step. One second chance I am giving myself is to get to sleep earlier, in order to be more rested for what I want to accomplish and for the fun I want to have the next day. So far, I have only pushed bedtime back by 30 minutes, but I already feel the extra energy from more sleep. The equation for me is like this: subtract one television show or a second newspaper and add an hour of sleep. It seems simple but the reality is tough for me. There is no one here to tell me to "go to bed, for heaven's sake!" So, I stay up, fall asleep in my chair, wake up at 2 am, go to bed then and wake up the next day tired. My example is silly to some of you, but I'll bet you can think of a better way to use your time, too. And I can't wait to hear who you "accidentally" encouraged yesterday!

Here is the thought for today: "It is not every day you find someone who will give you a second chance, much less one who will give you a second chance every day! In Jesus, I found both!" This is not an original quote, I write down sayings I love on pieces of paper everywhere, mostly in my Bible where I found this one. But I cannot find the source of this one for the life of me. Probably Max Lucado or Ron Holland, but I thank whoever said it! A second chance to get extra sleep will help me to succeed this time! Even if it is in having fun with the grandkids!

"If You, God, kept records on wrong doing, who would stand a chance? As it turns out, forgiveness is Your habit, and that's why You are worshipped." Psalm 130:3 (The Message Bible)

"God gives us chance after chance." Job 33:29 ESV

Heavenly Father, we praise You for the second chances You give us every day. Even if we fail, we know "there is no shadow of turning with You, You change not, Your compassions fail not, great is Your faithfulness, Lord to us." 

January 2 - Overheard Praise (1/2/13)

January 2 -  Overheard Praise

Overheard praise! There is no more effective praise than that which is overheard! Take a closer look at one of my resolutions for 2013. It is number 3 on my list: to encourage someone every day. I just can't let this one go until I give you an example of how this impacted my life. Here is what happened to me.

I grew up in the tiniest house you can imagine.There were basically only four rooms. No wonder my Mom always said, "Go outside and play!" And she meant all day! There wasn't much room for privacy or secrets in our home. The bedroom my sister and I shared was right next to the kitchen and the walls were thin. My Dad left at 5:30 am for work, and it seemed we were always asleep while they talked. One morning, I overheard an interesting conversation between my parents. I must have been 7 years old at the time because of the discussion. My parents were talking about me! Of course, I then became wide awake, straining to hear what they were saying. My Mom told my Daddy that the teacher, Mrs. Polk, thought I was very smart and could just skip the second grade! Wow, skipping the second grade was not that big a deal to me, but being called "smart" was amazing. You see our school, like our house, was small. Adamsville School was a three room school with grades 1-3 in one room, 4-6 in another, and 7-8 in the third. There were three teachers for about thirty kids total. When I was in first grade, the teacher would give us an assignment to do while she taught second grade, then third grade got the same treatment. Apparently, I had become bored and just joined in with the second graders. Remember this was a poor community with a lot of migrant workers who travelled around picking pecans and doing other seasonal farming jobs. Some of the children at my school were only there for the winter months, and then they left to help their parents. Sadly, many of them never got past 8th grade. No one thought much about the unfairness of this, and many of the workers stayed in temporary houses (like shacks) on the farm where I grew up. My being ahead of these poor children wasn't saying a lot about my intellect, but I do credit an awesome Mom, Dad and extended family who valued education above all things. And I already knew how to read. On days when it was too messy to "go outside and play" my Mom read to us and I learned to read from her. Ok, that is the background of the situation. 

Adamsville School was an amazing place. We had terrific teacher, a small "family" of students and lots of attention. And guess what? I overheard that I was smart! I proceeded to try to be smart, because I believed it. No one told it to my face, but I overheard it! That is the key.

This is the point. If someone praises you to your face, it doesn't feel very true. That could be flattery. But what is said behind your back, those words you accidentally overhear, those are usually pure, honest, sometimes painful, unvarnished truth. We may not like what we hear, but it is clearly what people really think about us. And overheard praise is the most believable kind. It can be life-changing, heart-stopping and powerful! It can build one up or tear one down. Attempt this exercise today. It works especially well with children, but I have tried it on adults, too. Even 92 year olds like to hear good things about themselves! Be sure they are within hearing distance; speak loudly or whisper where they can hear, which is always attention-getting. One basic, non-negotiable rule is that the statement has to be true, not fabricated. Find that true nugget in your child, spouse or friend, and let them overhear you speak well of them. Sit back, then, and watch the blessings descend, the quality blossom, and the growth of the nature of the person occur. Let me know if you try this and how it works out for you. Another little idea, is to jot down a poem or idea on a slip of paper. Leave it lying around and let them "accidentally" find it. Same idea! After all, this poor little country girl heard she was smart! Don't burst my bubble, ok? It made we work hard enough to do well in school and that was a miracle to me!

"Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near." Hebrews 10:23-25

Dear Father, Let us speak praise of the praiseworthy today. Give us Your eyes to see others as You see them. Show us the ones among us who need a kind word or an encouraging thought to spur them on to be the best You designed them to be. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

January 1: New Year's Resolutions (1/1/13)

January 1 - New Year's Resolutions

 New Year's Resolutions! What do you think of them? Is making a promise to do something better in 2013 a good thing? Or is it something dreamed up by health clubs and Weight Watchers? Somehow the media like television, newspapers and the internet seem to be in on the conspiracy. I heard one thoughtful soul lament that if it was up to most of us, we would skip this exercise of promising to change. After all the statistics prove that only 8% of people are successful. Seriously! And the rest of us 92% beat ourselves up over our failure. New Year's Resolutions have always made me feel anxious and a bit sad. I was sort of enjoying all the rich food and lazy mornings. January 1st came, and I was depressed. But I always tried. Let's see: losing weight was always my number one. And getting more exercise. How about quitting a bad habit like watching "The Bachelor?" Or quitting smoking? Or doing something like actually reading the book assigned by my book club? Or going to bed by 10:30? News over, lights out! Giving blood seems like a good one, too. I need so much improvement (at least I don't smoke or plan to start again).

Here is a fundamentally unique idea: a psychologist commenting on the high rate of failure suggested the following: Commit to doing less, not more. For instance, if you add an hour of exercise a day, something else will have to go. Maybe it is shopping for dinner fixings and suddenly, you are no longer cooking for your family. Or if you go to school to learn French, you no longer have time to pick up your kids from school. Your stress level goes up as your time has to adjust to doing more things. So, his theory is to stop doing things, like watching less television and spending more time playing scrabble with your kids. Something like that. All of the above is just mildly interesting to me. I have another idea for us.

Let's not be so hard on ourselves. I promise not to ask you what your resolution is, or if you have already fallen off the wagon into the ditch. Here are 5 things I plan to do, but won't publish anywhere but here:

1. Take time each day to read God's Word. I am not setting a time on it. I'm finding my best time, yours might be different. I even downloaded the "Jesus Calling" app onto my iPhone. That way it is with me wherever I am. There are lots of great tools like that.

2. Praying daily. I refuse to be intimidated about other's definitions of prayer time. I pray all over the place and in strange places, with people and alone, reading a touching story and calling out to bless those I read about. A Facebook friend is in trouble and I don't wait to pray until "bed time" or "quiet time." That works for me. If I have time, I like to jot down the prayers in a notebook or on a piece of paper. But anything that works for you is what works for God. I believe that.

3. Make a plan to encourage one person every day. Hebrews 13:1 "Keep on loving each other as brothers." Maybe it is the cashier at the grocery store or the man who walks his dog in front of your house. It could be your own child or husband. Just say something nice and true. It has to be true. Find that one thing that is sincerely encouraging and say it, don't just think it. They cannot read our minds, so I plan to be transparent with my words. Who knows what burdens that person is carrying?

4. Live each day as if Jesus was coming back that day. I don't want to wait to do a good thing. I plan to spend my days wisely and playing with a child is very wise! Children never forget honest attention and neither do adults! I would want Jesus to find me busy doing good and taking care of others (and myself…somedays that means a nap!)

5. Cherish and cultivate family and friends. They are God's special gifts to us. Enjoy them, laugh and love them as much as you can. If they are in our lives, they should be in our hearts, and on our radar of compassion and kindness.

So, if you must, resolve to go to the gym every day. But don't make me feel too badly if I only go on Tuesday and Thursday. And consider the list I made. Just don't let it add to your stress. Take God along in 2013. It will be the best adventure you have ever had. I heard He will even go with us to the gym!

"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test what God's will is--His good, pleasing and perfect will." Romans 12:2

Father, help us to be honest in our devotion to You. Let us resolve to make you our number one priority in 2013 and watch all the other worries fade away.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Day 54 of 4: New Year's Eve (12/31/12)

December 31, Day 54 of 4 more years:

New Year's Eve! Why not "old year's end?" The old year is quickly becoming history, that's why. Why do we celebrate this holiday? What is it for? Is it to party, to drink too much, eat too much, blow horns, shoot off fireworks, shoot off guns (please stop that one!), stay up late and kiss at midnight? Well, sure. All of the above have a history, and I decided to check out a few of the more common traditions.

Traditions of New Year's: How about the song "Auld Lang Syne?" I found it was an old Scottish ballad, and the words are just weird and forgettable. But the poet Robert Burns (yes, he was Scottish) published the words in 1796 with a few refinements of his own. The words "auld lang syne" translate to "old long since" and just mean "times gone by." Our American song leader, Guy Lombardo, was the hero here. He popularized the song and made it a New Year's tradition. In 1929, he played it in New York City with his band. Later it was played on the radio, and then television and "tada!" today it is on Youtube! So, when we hear that song, it is officially the new year.

Let's talk about good luck and prosperity in the New Year. Pagan traditions abound. Without a biblical foundation, people through the ages have tried to find a way to stay safe, become wealthy and protect themselves from evil. Here are some practices believed to be magical: 

1. Eat black eyed peas or at least one - an American southern tradition, since black eyed peas cannot be grown where the weather is very cold. Thank goodness for importation!

2. Eat cabbage - theory is it looks like money

3. Can't find either of those, just eat rice - an Asian staple and the abundance is in the number of rice grains

4. Here is a unique one: a symbol of prosperity for the new year that the first person to walk into your home after the sounding of the new year is a tall, dark, handsome man! I'm looking for him!

5. Give a toast - why toast? In olden times, the wine was communally mixed, acidity was a problem in the fermentation, so a piece of burned toast was floated on the top to absorb the bad flavors. The last person to drink from the bottom of the bowl had to eat the toast! And the host or hostess had to take the first drink to be sure it wasn't poison! Glad that is over.

This post could go on and on. I'm really not about educating you concerning the holiday. I was just a little curious. Many of the traditions for New Year's are centered on being loud. Why? To frighten off the evil spirits. Like firecrackers, noise makers of all kinds, shot guns and singing loudly at midnight. 

Some of the practices are funny, but I think it is sad that we still act like a pagan people in many respects. We have the best protection at our disposal every day, not just on New Year's Day. Let's rely on the One who really can keep us safe, provide us with prosperity in Him, and give us joy for the entire year of 2013! Happy New Year's Eve to all of you!

"May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all." 2 Corinthians 13:14

Dear Father, please extend Your might hand of protection over your people today. Keep us all safe tonight from the dangers of the world. Protect us in 2013 as only You can and give us joy. 


Saturday, August 17, 2013

Day 53 of 4: "Sands in the Hourglass" (12/30/12)

December 30, 53 Days of 4 more years: 

"Sand in the hourglass. There is only so much sand. Who gets it?" Max Lucado

Today let's talk about time. I think it is healthy at the end of the year to take a look back and a look forward. All of our evaluations for the past year and the future one depend on time. And time is a gift God gave us at creation. Think about that: our infinite God gave us a finite amount of time to spend… to decide…to choose. Yes, time is a gift. When God created day and night, the seasons and our bodies that age, He wove it all together with time (not the original plan in the Garden of Eden, but Eve and the serpent took care of that). So as human beings we have a birth day and a "going home" day. There are a set number of days, minutes and the sand…every day moves us closer to going home. We are just "passing through" this world to our real home in heaven. Rather than be sad or mourn or feel petulant about what we missed or don't have or how little time we have left, let's look at the sunrises to come. Look forward and upward, measuring our days with our Saviour and best friend. Only then does each day take on the beauty it was meant to have.

Let's get practical on this last Sunday of 2012. Why not? It is hymn day, rest day, game day… hum? And a great day to consider the following ideas to use our sand:

1. Make a list of our priorities (ours will all be different and unique just as we all individuals)
2. Figure out what our priorities are (this may take a little research… where? you guessed it, God's instruction book, the Bible)
3. Schedule our priorities in the order of importance and let God give you that wisdom
4. Plant those priorities deep in our minds and hearts (that's why they have to be God's choices for you personally)
5. Pray about the list and keep it flexible
6. Start out to tackle the priorities in a daily way (not being discouraged if we don't see instant results)
7. Be patient with ourselves (God is, and we should be kind to ourselves)
8. This one is great: We are all going to delegate some duties we think we have to do ourselves (I've got a few things on my list for some of you to do!)
9. We must learn to say "no" when it is appropriate or we are unsure if something is our job or not. (It is not a lame excuse to tell someone, "I need to pray about it first.")
10. We will not get overwhelmed, but take each day as it comes, covering the plan for the day with prayer and going to God first thing with our list for the day.
Remember: Each day is a gift from God and offers an opportunity to make a difference in our lives, our ministry and most importantly in someone else's life.

"Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be given you as well." Matthew 6:33
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Jesus, take control of our lives in 2013. Help us to be practical as we take steps to make Your priorities our own. Keep us focused and remove discouragement from our paths. Keep us walking in step with You. Amen

Day 52 of 4: Best of 2012 (12/29/12)

December 29, Day 52 of 4 more years: 

Best of 2012! Have you noticed the lists being compiled this time of year?
Best movie of 2012, best television show, best car, best new trend in dining, most interesting person, best color, best kid….on and on… 
I also saw a list of the worst of 2012: worst tragedy, worst dressed, most terrible music trend (my suggestion: Gangnam Style), worst investment, etc. As a people it is a universal feeling: to look back and tie up the past year before we move on to 2013. Let's try this exercise on me.

Amazing things: I tackled a major renovation at the farm (Paradise) and I won! It took me a whole year, but I am proud I attempted this task. Another best for me personally is that all my close family is near me and settled in. Also, I worked hard this year on getting healthier and that seems to be working. So, let us look at things that are measurable: like a renovated house, body fat, and the number of vitamins I take each day. These are not subjective things. 

On the other side, I started to look at the things that really matter. I started posting ideas as I study God's word, and many things that I used to think were important just don't seem to have much value. As I spent time studying God's Word, first looking at the 2012 election, and then absorbing the loss of the one I thought was God's choice, my list for 2012 took on a different meaning. The "muy importante" list shifted dramatically. These items dominated: time with family and friends, the love of the Lord shared with others, time with my sister, grandchildren, distant friends who encourage me every day through Facebook, and health….always, health to get through the time I have left in this temporary place.

Here is my personal best of 2012: best new task is writing my thoughts that I receive from the study of God's Word; best new friends…my Facebook ones; best night of the year…my grandchildrens' sleep over; best new mental exercise…forgetting the things of the past and pressing harder toward the things God has set ahead of me.

Bring it on 2013! We all have a high calling from God. Let Him lead us on to the future. Glance quickly over 2012…and move on…forward! God is in control and He always has been. He already knows the future and He is already there waiting for us! Press on to the task and the joy to come. May God bless each of you in 2013!

"Forgetting what is behind and striving toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:13-14

Pray: Father, thank you for the year 2012. Help us to appreciate and evaluate the past year through Your eyes. Give us courage and wisdom to move into 2013 with You as our guide and our strength. Amen

Friday, August 16, 2013

Day 51 of 4: Sleepover (12/28/12)

December 28, Day 51 of four more years: 

Adventure! For the last 24+ hours I have had an adventure with four of my grandchildren. A sleepover at Gigi's during the Christmas holidays has been planned for weeks and last night seemed to work out great for everyone. My kids got a break, and the grands and I had a blast! Lauren and Bo's girls live only 5 minutes away, so it wasn't like an expedition across the state, but we treated it that way. Here they came, sleeping bags and all, pj's, toothbrushes, stuffed animals, special Christmas gifts… the works! We even persuaded Jill to let Henry stay, too, and join the girly bunch over here. We didn't do mani-pedi's, but we did watch "Barbie's Favorite Christmas Gift" and Henry was fine with that! He is a good sport and gets along well with all the "pink drama" over everything! I know it is good training for him! He will be an awesome daddy some day.

The grands just left a few minutes ago, and the house seems so still, quiet and strange. Why, there is the newspaper needing to be read, my chair beckoning to fall back into, a ball game to be watched… and yet I miss those sweet little ones! Oh, yes, my legs are tired, my eyes a little sleepy already. But what is the draw of the children? What is the hold on us old folks? Is it because they are still so fresh from heaven? Their thoughts are pure and unclouded by the world. Now, the time with them is not free from turmoil, drama, tears and quarrels. After all, they are related to me! But I think the best part for me is that there wasn't another adult to glance over at, to talk "adult" stuff, or to filter their comments through. Nope, it was just me and the kids, and our God to thank for the time I had with them. I talked to them about my writing the thoughts I get on Facebook. That puzzled the middle daughter, especially. "Why would anybody want to read that, Gigi?" I told her I didn't know. She just laughed, and said, "Don't tell them about me. They might think I get in trouble a lot." Really? She reminds me so much of her mother that I just want to squeeze the dickens out of that little girl. She is precious. They all are…. So if you don't have a grandchild, borrow one. I mean that. I have a friend in Ft. Worth who has four grandchildren in town, but has a heart so big that she has taken on a "little sister" through the Big Brother/Big Sister Program. She just adores pouring love into another child, brings her little sister to family gatherings when she can and takes her and her mother to church with her every Sunday. This little girl only knows wanting to be a Mommy herself (and she is only 11 years old). My friend tells her, "You must first find a daddy for your baby who loves Jesus. That is the most important part: that he loves you and he loves Jesus." Now, isn't that just wonderful? 

My grandchildren and I didn't talk about babies or getting married, but we did talk about Jesus. We rearranged our nativity, and we decided we would find something about Jesus every day for me to write about! I hope you are ready for that!

So this post did not come from "quiet time" alone with God….it came from a rowdy, noisy, hilarious day! And awakening to a little voice saying, "Gigi, I was so hoping you were awake! I'm hungry and I love to snuggle with you! I know you love me a lot!" I will miss that in the morning.

Father, you astound me with the blessing of children in my life. Thank you from the depths of my heart. Amen

Day 50 of 4: A Baby Boy (12/27/12)

December 27: Day 50 of 4 more years:

A baby boy! My Christmas present straight from heaven in 1979! He was so new, so sweet…a good baby right from the start. He was and still is adored. We all laughed and said that Dan was born with three mothers! Because his sisters were the absolute proudest of him! There was no expected jealousy or rivalry over the new baby. The girls held him, entertained him, loved him and as much as a three year old and a five year old could, cared for him. Which also included correcting him, prompting him, "Say thank you, young man!" Lauren's words when he wasn't quick enough with the gratitude on his fourth birthday! Oh, yes, Dan was born into discipline and love! Thankfully, Dan was a good-natured, easy going boy and very kind. If I could use a one word to describe Dan from the start, it would be "kind." As a little boy, he saw a cousin pull off the legs of a granddaddy long legs spider, and his remark was, "Mommy, how will he be able to crawl now?" That comment touched my heart and firmed up my observation of the tender heart which was born in my son. The amazing part was that he could put on a football uniform and fiercely attack the opponents, yet as soon as the pads came off, the sweet person returned! That amazed me!

So how do you know a child is born a certain way? How do you know how God filled him or her? I didn't know at the time but in hindsight, I see it clearly. As a grandmother, your wisdom isn't brilliance usually, but the combination of experience and time. I believe that most Mommys and many Daddys are sensitive to the nature of the babies given to them by God. If you are very still, and hold them close, and study them every day, you will see it. It is the God-given newness on display, but also a character trait or two that you can see and nurture. Peer into his or her eyes, cuddle and soothe. Then ask God to give you the wisdom to nurture that good dominant trait. He will. Observe, look, listen and pray…it is there.

In my grands I see the traits more easily as they are getting older. I also have the benefit of seeing them from a bit of a distance. Parents sometimes are too close and too busy. Here are just a few of the traits I see in my blessings: Mia is loving and kind, sensitive and curious; Andrew is observant, keen on every detail, alert, nothing gets by him; Georgia is feisty and direct, fearless and funny and loves my cat, Carlo; Henry is gentle and creative, loving and inventive; Evelyn is dear and charming, affectionate and observant of beauty; Margaret is good-natured and loving, quick to obey and forgive. In my own children the observations I had as a new Mommy have held true as they became adults. Lauren as a child was friendly, strong-willed yet always tender-hearted, brave and outgoing. Jill was quiet and shy, sensitive and loving to adults, brightening our lives with her sweet little face. Dan was, as I have previously mentioned, the easy-going third-born, the kindest one, loyal to his friends, the one you could tell a secret to, the defender of the needy ones, especially his Momma!

God creates us with gifts born in our character and in the nature of our children. His desire is that we become the best He created us to be and to nurture the best in those He trusts to our care. Those babies straight from heaven, just like my late Christmas present in 1979 are blessings from our Father who loves us. Thank your for our babies and grand babies, dear Father.

"...your Father in heaven will give good gifts to those who ask HIm." Matthew 7:11

Dear God, Thank you for the gifts of children, of the little ones that You intrust to our care. Help us to be worthy of the gift of life. Let us nurture the nature you put into each child and assist them in becoming the best You created them to be. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Day 49 of 4: "Poor Little Day after Christmas" (12/26/12)

December 26:  Poor Little Day after Christmas (originally written 12/26/12)

"Poor Little Day after Christmas!" Years ago, I listened to a song on an album (yes, kids there used to be these plastic things which held music!) that contained these words. It described the "let down" day…after all the months of anticipation, the preparation, planning, travel, and all that Christmas involves, suddenly it is all over. And the words spoke of that feeling and the song went so far as to having pity on December 26th. It really is a humorous song (sounds like it?) with lots of illustrations of torn paper, empty dishes, disappointing gifts, a dried up tree and a sad feeling. However, the song has a surprise ending. Don't feel sorry for the day after Christmas. Why? Because it is next year's Christmas Day!

After searching in vain for this silly little song, I came upon another song by Matthew West called "The Day After Christmas." It is a beautiful carol with the same general feeling. He, too, describes the "let down" after the big day. But the difference is that this song reminds us that the light of the world is still here. The reason we sing has not stopped or ended in twenty four hours. In fact, our joy is even more complete because it is still here. Some are excited today for other reasons. Perhaps you are a bargain shopper and love after-Christmas sales. Or some of you enjoy the feeling of the pressure of Christmas being over. A time to just "be" with your family and friends. Enjoy it! And don't even consider starting to take down the decorations! I mean it! And if you do, don't tell me, or I will be sad. Enjoy them, at least until after January 1st. Let's cherish today. Laugh with your kids or if they have gone home, take a nap! What is that, you ask? Play games if there is someone to play with, or call an old friend. If you are lonely, the truth is there is another lonely person who would love to hear from you. Being let down is ok for a short while…feel it? Ok, that is over! It is time to move on together. After all, we have a brand new year coming up in a week! We have to get ready for that "big day!"

Let's just remember, the "big

day" may be over for this year,

but the light of the world is

still here. And He will light up

the day at your house today

and next year, too! Remember

the words of scripture:

"And they shall call Him Emmanuel...God with us!"

Matthew 1:23

"I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness but have the light of life." John 8:12

Pray: Father, shed Your beautiful light on the day after Jesus' birthday! Let us not be sad, but move together with You into the last week of the year!

Day 48 of 4 more years: Christmas Eve (12/24/12)

Day 48 of 4: Christmas Eve (originally posted 12/24/12)

Christmas Eve! Sounds of thunder, patter of hail, loud booms and heavy rain! Wow! What a morning on the weather front! Bet those little babies are up early this morning… after all, it is Christmas Eve! Only in Texas is it in the 60's one day, shirt sleeve weather; next day, storms, hail and possible snow! How fun is that? Especially the snow! Praying for that and not ice!

Christmas Eve was magical here at my house. Crazy with extra friends, unexpected because of a tamale delivery! That just made it better! I loved seeing people who are ordinarily with their families, but a quick stop was a blessing. My friend made many wonderful tamales and their Christmas Eve delivery made for a fun time. By the way, I've never tasted such delectable tamales… and I come from a long line of tamale lovers! Awesome, Maria! Also, there were the sounds of six children excitedly playing all over the house, the men talking football, basketball and sports of all kinds, watching a bowl game, and family visitors. Oh, and the food, glorious food!!! Chili and tamales, guacamole and queso, hot sauce, chips, and an ice cream dessert…. it was a delightful evening, topped off with some sweet time with my daughters getting things ready for Santa!

Winding down the evening, I turned on the television to see the news, but I was too late. Instead there was a Christmas Eve service from a big church in Dallas. The music was beautiful, so I left it on… it was uplifting and divine. The carols traditional and solidly performed, the choir robes starched and immaculate, the reading from God's Word professionally done, and the sermon was thoughtful and perfect in its delivery. The congregation was impeccably dressed, the faces sincere, the decorations looked like a window from Neiman Marcus. I am serious… the contrast with our own children's service at our church was almost humorous…

Our Christmas eve program was hilarious, the decorations whimsical, the children perfectly "children," the message was an enactment of the Christmas story by the 4 year olds of the church, and it was one of the most precious plays ever. You see, our children's pastor lets the kids be kids even though they are supposed to act like wise men, sheep, angels and Mary and Joseph. Even baby Jesus gets the children's test of love!

Night and day? Maybe. But that is what is so marvelous about the Christmas Story. It is for all people. The perfect, the wealthy, the poor, the sick. Back to the Dallas service, I will admit as the camera panned the congregation, it was apparent that many were not well. Some did not look happy, many looked distracted, some appeared bored and many just looked disinterested. It was as if they didn't know the camera was on them, and I saw their neediness. It was hard to miss. At the children's service at our church, I'm sure there were some sad faces, too; some faces that were covering up pain, loneliness and sadness at this time of year.
Contrast? Maybe not. The services were entirely different, but the neediness is always the same. Jesus did not come to earth to save the already "fine." The "it's ok, God, I've got this." The ones who would say, "I don't need a Savior, I am great just the way I am." No, He came to save us all. And He came as a baby, to reinforce the helpless, human way He came. Our Savior. For all of us! And for each of us!

Let us focus today on the individual person Jesus came to save. You and me. Individuals with different wants, but the universal need of salvation. Baby Jesus! Just imagine that! He came to save everyone, yet He came to save just one! Let the message of Jesus birth ring joy in your heart today, and mine! As Billy Graham always says, "God loves you!" Merry Christmas!

"I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the city of David, a Savior has been born to you; He is Christ the Lord." Luke 2:10-11

Pray: Father, may each one of us find the peace and joy of a Savior come to earth to save us. Amen

Day 47 of 4: Christmas Surprise Part 2 (12/22/12)

Day 47 of 4 more years: Christmas Surprise Part 2

My Christmas surprise part 2: Yesterday I related the story of the month before Christmas in the Sargent household 1979….boredom turning to delicious candy! The praline saga continued yesterday. I made 4 batches, and I am still recovering from sugar highs! And that is from the crumbs! 

But in 1979, I spent December 24th feeling a profound respect for Mary. The last few weeks of a pregnancy are tough for most women, but to add a ride on a donkey for any distance? "No way, Joseph, guess you'll have to go alone," would have been my response! Mary's obedience took on a whole new meaning for me. And still does! But I was ready…. sort of….for the baby to come.
Christmas Day came and my parents, Scott's parents, his brother and grandmother joined us for the first and only time in Arlington. Thanks to my two Moms and a handy dishwasher (Scott), we got through the holiday. They left. See you soon, real soon! Then I felt the unmistakable feeling of (you guessed it) contractions. Oh, no… but baby said, oh yes! This little baby wanted to come on December 25. Then the praying started for me. I did not want our baby to share a birthday with Jesus. It just didn't seem right, and almost as important, my decorations were still up! No way was I coming home from the hospital with a new baby and the chore of packing up Christmas. So, for the first and only time ever in his life, Scott helped me with this task. You see, Scott was a generous, wonderful man but he did not share my love of Christmas decorations. One of his all-time favorite days was when the house got back to "normal!" Strange partners, weren't we? But Scott saw my face, "the handwriting on the wall," and pitched in. I mean really "in." While I laid on the couch, directing the post-production process and holding back the baby, Scott worked tirelessly. And what took weeks to put up came down in hours! Now, all was done, the day was almost done and ok, baby, it is the 26th, you can come now. Relief spilled over us; it is ok, we can do this. Let's go baby. I guess December 26 wasn't the day, but it sure wasn't Christmas Day!

We rushed to the hospital in the wee hours of December 27 and almost didn't make it, but that story is for another time. My second surprise was….the baby was a boy! We were totally surprised. Yes, my husband was a radiologist and we had several sonograms. But nothing was determined. This was a shock to us and a pleasant one. If you have read my earlier posts, you know how I feel about valuing having a boy over a girl or vice versa, but I do value healthy babies! And our baby boy was a healthy surprise. And his sisters were so proud of him, too. Dan was blessed with three mothers from day one! Scott was delighted to have a son also, but he was equally happy with his daughters. He just wasn't like that: a man that had to have a son. Oh, but he adored that little boy! It was a blessed, amazing, wonderful day! Our hearts were full of gratitude for our after-Christmas surprise! God had once again performed His amazing miracle of birth! He never, ever ceases to amaze and surprise us, does He?
Merry Christmas, dear ones!

I cherish this not so Christmasy verse:
"He will stand and shepherd His flock in the strength of the Lord, in the majesty of the name of the Lord, His God. And they will live securely, for then His greatness will reach to the ends of the earth, and He will be their peace." 
Micah 5:4-5

Heavenly Father, I pray that the Prince of Peace will reign in our hearts today. and the miracle will be new for us as we worship the baby Jesus.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Day 46 of 4: Christmas Surprise Part 1 (12/21/12)

Day 46 of 4 more years:

Christmas surprises! Fun or not so fun? It depends for sure. Here is a story of my Christmas surprise, part one. Yesterday I talked of giving gifts and the best gift I ever gave. This is about the best earthly gift I ever got, part one. Receiving gifts is about surprises. You know, the anticipation of unwrapping the unexpected. 

My most unexpected gift began in April of 1979, when Scott and I learned we were having our third baby. Surprise! The due date was the big surprise. You ladies know the drill, the doctor pulls out a little paper circle which he turns around until he comes up with the magical due date… "Mrs. Sargent, so happy for you. You will have a Christmas baby!" What? "That just won't work out, Doctor, you see, I love Christmas and I'm too busy to have a baby then!" Seriously?
Well, I am a planner, and decided it would just have to be entirely planned out, done ahead, and I could fix this. I proceeded to do just that. Bought gifts early! Wrapped them, decorated the house, the tree, put up lights, planned, wrote cards, and Christmas was entirely done by December 1st. I even volunteered for the Thanksgiving parties at the girls' school just in case I couldn't make the Christmas ones. Hooray! Thought I would just sit back and enjoy the remaining four weeks. But I got very bored. Very bored.

So, I decided to learn to make candy. Started with divinity, which was too hard to do and not that great. Tried fudge, but everyone can make fudge…well, if you use marshmallow cream, anyway. How about pralines? The whole family loves them and my mother in law made wonderful ones. So that is what I did. Every day or so, Scott and the girls got to taste a new recipe. Some crunchy, some sticky, some chewy, none really bad, but then…. the perfect recipe, the divine recipe…. Creamy Buttermilk Pralines! I have only known maybe 5 people in my life who don't love this recipe. It uses 4 cups of pecans (a lot), cooks easily (ha) and is divine! Truly divine. Since 1979, I have made hundreds of batches of these wonderful candies. I have people who like me just to get a batch at Christmas! People who want to work for me to get some! And neighbors who bring in my paper, mow both our sides of the yard and bring in my recyclable bins without asking… just to get the yearly treat! Seriously, I quit making them for my friends years ago and just gave them the recipe. Many have become accomplished at praline making, and make them for their families. And my daughters have carried on the tradition… both are great at making them. Jill had to switch to angel cookies because of Andrew's allergy to pecans, but she can still make them in her sleep and gobbles them up when she is over here. They are that good! I mean it! I hope I turned a surprise into a way to bless others, or at least put some weight on them! And I became very popular!

Point here, I believe God does surprise us at Christmas and all year long. And we know all His surprises have blessings wrapped up in them. I hope I am not trivializing the surprise of a baby's birth by comparing it to my frantic worry over Christmas. I do know He wants us to use our time wisely. Did I? I do know that I found great satisfaction in making something to give to others that is almost always welcome. And tomorrow I will tell the rest of the story. And how my respect for Mary was never greater than in 1979!
Forgive my light heart this morning!

"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom His favor rests!" Luke 2:14

Father, may we be joyful in the surprise we have at Christmas, and look for your blessings in all of them! Amen

Day 45 of 4: His Indescribable Gift (12/20/12)

Day 45 of 4 more years: 
Christmas presents! In these last few days before Christmas, that seems to be the obsession….unless you are the cook and you are thinking about the meal! The perfect gift can seem illusive. We want to give the awesome gift that knocks the receiver's socks off! One that will get the response, "For me? You got this perfect ____ just for me!" So where is it? What is it? And if you find it, do you second guess yourself? What was the best gift you ever gave someone? I remember.

When I was probably 9 or 10 years old, my brother and I hatched up a plant to give our Mom the best gift ever. My sister was around, but being 5 or 6, she was just "in the way." This was big stuff and required strategy she certainly didn't have, plus she couldn't have kept the secret. It was a year when the pecan crop was bountiful and the price was high, which was not always the case. In those days, there were good pecans on the native trees along Sims creek and the Lampasas River. Today, those trees have diseases which must be sprayed, so we seldom have good crops. But that year, everyone was picking pecans because of the price and selling them in town for "big" money. Many years my grandmother let pecan threshers harvest the pecans and share in the crop. Mike and I asked my great-grandmother (known as Ma to everyone) if we could have the money from the pecan trees below our house. She was fine with the plan. We went to work: picking, raking, shaking, crawling on the ground, and this went on for days. Daddy helped some and Mom was none the wiser, or so we thought. In those days, "go outside and play" really meant it. We could be gone from dawn to dusk if we checked in occasionally. Our little fingers became black with pecan stain, which was bound to have made Mom suspicious, but we finally did it! We gathered them all, Daddy took us to town, cashed in the pecans for our bounty, and I remember we had twenty dollars to spend! We were so excited, for that was a fortune to us! 

I don't remember why but we selected a wooden canister set at the hardware store in town. We agreed it was perfect! Got it home and with assistance from Ma, we managed to get it wrapped and under the tree. We couldn't wait for Christmas! The waiting was exciting, too! Our secret! And it was perfect! When my Mom finally unwrapped the long anticipated gift, she cried. Was it exactly what she wanted? I really don't think so, but what was exactly right were the hearts of the givers. She treasured it so much that the little brown wooden canister set with the painted white and yellow daisies survived all the years. She even prominently displayed it after its retirement from actual use! It is still on display at Paradise to remind us of a time when we had nothing, but we worked hard to give someone we loved dearly a perfect gift.

You see, it is the thought that counts. That may sound trite, but I believe our hearts are the source of the best gifts. When we give from our hearts, we pattern the gift from God. He gave the first gift, His Son, and it was the best gift….baby Jesus. We want to give as He did. So let's put our hearts into our gifts. That is what He did.

"Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift." 2 Corinthians 9:15
Another translation: "Thanks be to God for His gift that is too wonderful for words."

Father, we are grateful to You for the pattern of giving the perfect gift. Help us to be mindful of why we give gifts at Christmas and let us honor You in our giving.