Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Day 42 of 4 more years: Mary (12/17/12)

Day 42 of 4 more years:

Mary. My mother's heart has been touched by thinking of Mary's heart. Are you familiar with the song "Mary, did you know?" I was listening to that song yesterday, humming it later and wondering how much Mary did know. How much do any of us know about what our babies will become? But after that song penetrated my thoughts, I felt a little shudder, an unease, a little dread. Was that for Mary? Was that feeling common for most of mothers who don't know the end of the story? I really tried to brush it off, but the feeling compelled me to address our roles as mothers and fathers. 

Mary did know that her baby was God's son since the angel Gabriel told her that much. Did she know more? Did she have any idea of how he would minister to the world in the short years he was here and for eternity in his death and resurrection? We have in common with Mary the extreme feelings that overcome us when we gaze at our helpless, dependent, precious babies. All our thoughts are consumed with how to protect them, cherish them, shield them and keep them close, forever! I am confident Mary and Joseph felt like that. I also believe God protected Mary from knowing the whole story from the start. Jesus' life had to unfold with her. As he grew, so did Mary and Joseph. They could not have borne it all right then.

Here is what I do know just based on what happened to me: if I was told me as I held any one of my babies, to get ready, this precious baby is going to grow up and leave home. Yes, she is! Oh, no… I would have struggled with that idea. For as much as we want out children to grow up, it is a process, the separation process. You can't take in the pain as you hold the baby. But there is a phrase that helps: "when the time comes." While they are babies, you hold them close, feed them, snuggle them, love them to pieces. Just as Mary did for Jesus… mothers are mostly all the same. (Now, teenagers… that is for another day!) Jesus was a normal baby, after all, even though he was the Son of God. As parents, if we live each day taking in each moment, loving those entrusted to our care today, then when the day comes to let go, we can. Let go with no regrets….with tears….with sadness…. but when the time comes, we can. Today's strength is enough for today only, not for tomorrow. Let us enjoy, relish and appreciate today with our loved ones. As Mary held her baby close, hold yours, hug yours, laugh today with them, nourish every ounce of those little children. They do grow up, we pray, in God's time. Today is waiting for us! It will be a full day! 

"God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes." Matthew 6:34

Father, give us joy in the blessings you give us today. Help us to appreciate the moments and not worry over the future. You are our God, the protector of the little ones. We are trusting them to your care.

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