Friday, August 9, 2013

Day 44 of 4: The Star (12/19/12)

Day of 44 of four more years: The Star

The Star…the miracle…the light! Think of the light in your life. Like the lights on the tree…beautiful in the day, but magical at night. Now, think of outside Christmas lights. If you drive by someone's lights during the day, they look sad. Even the most professionally done light displays look ugly during the day: the darling inflatables look dejected laying on the ground, the peppermint sticks seem a little homemade and wobbly, the manger scene not quite to scale and wires everywhere! Oh, but by night, a scene of incredible beauty (or at least fun). Why does darkness make the light so much brighter? Better? 

On my Christmas card this year I said, "God's promises are like the stars; the darker the night, the brighter they shine." 
I continue to find this so true in my life. The light needs the darkness to intensify its strength, its power and its beauty.

There is a Christmas song sung by a gospel group called "The Gentry" which says the following: "I have seen the light, shining in the darkness, bursting through the shadows, delivering the dawn. I have seen the light, whose holy name is Jesus. His kingdom is forever. He reigns on heaven's throne." The whole song talks of the darkness of this world and how we all search for light, yet many never find it and settle for lies. How tragic and sad at this time of light and beauty and worship of the baby come to earth. So if you see the light and believe it, you are changed forever…just like the Wise Men and the Shepherds. And like those men of old, you want to tell someone. Share the light you have found and introduce the hurting world to your Savior. Share the light today, even if it is just with one person. Reinforce the light of Jesus with your family…neighbors…checker at Target even! Give the Good News away! It just might light up someone's life for eternity!

"For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all people, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel." Luke 2:30-32

Father, Let us bask in the light of You today. Warm our souls with the light, allow the lift to lift us to worship the Baby Jesus, and share it with those we meet. Amen

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