Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Day 28 of 4: Joseph (12/4/12)

Day 28 of four more years (originally posted on Facebook on December 4, 2012)

Joseph. He deserves equal time! Another amazing person in the true story from God's Word. Mary's thoughts from yesterday spill over today in the story of the Joseph. I can't imagine how God selected the mother and father for His Son, but I read that righteousness was number one. And add on obedience and humility. Those last two characteristics we can aspire to, but righteousness? We know no man is perfect and all men sin, but Joseph is counted as righteous. How did he become righteous in God's sight? Jesus had not died for mankind's sin yet, so if we say, "believe in Jesus' death for the salvation of your soul," it won't work. Can't happen. All the Old Testament heroes did not have the eternal blessing in which we live today. In the days before Jesus, Abraham (for instance) was counted as righteous and listed in the New Testament on the Wall of Faith by one way: God's Word...belief in the audible and visible (for Moses and the Israelites) in the tablets of the Ten Commandments, and promises handed down by the Patriarchs, started by Moses in the first 5 books of the Bible. But wait, Abraham didn't have written words, but the actual presence and voice of God! God also performed marvelous, jaw-dropping miracles! Imagine that! Joseph did have the blessed visit of the Angel Gabriel, too. That certainly reinforced his faith! But like the Israelites who saw God part the Red Sea, and two months later were worshipping idols in the desert, righteousness is more than just seeing a miracle. It is faith to live all the days of our lives walking in God's promises.

Joseph did that. The angel told him how it was going to be, and Joseph chose to believe him. He trusted God. And he protected Mary and the Baby Jesus, raising Jesus his own son. With God's help, Joseph and Mary were righteous even in their humanity. Joseph doesn't get all the acclaim that Mary receives. But like today's Dads, the Mom is center stage because she actually carries the baby in her body. Praise today to all you Dads, and especially to the often overlooked Joseph!

A righteous man who also found favor with God!

"Joseph was a righteous man, and did not want to expose Mary to public disgrace, he had a mind to divorce her quietly... But an angel of The Lord appeared to him in a dream, and said, 'Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you will give Him the name Jesus, because He will save His people from their sins.'... When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of The Lord had commanded him. " Matthew 1:19-24

Father God, help us to see the story of Joseph as an encouragement to us to live as righteous because of the gift of Jesus.

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