Saturday, February 16, 2013

Day 23 - Autism and the Candidates (10/20/12)

Day 23 of 40 days of prayer for the electionOriginally posted on Facebook on October 20, 2012

I apologize for the personal nature of this prayer. My grandson, Andrew, has autism. After spending the morning with my daughter and three grandchildren at the Walk for Autism, my thoughts and prayers have been saturated with the challenges and blessings that come with this disease. It was an amazing time with families bound together with common goals, needs and concerns. Many schools, companies and businesses were there offering services, plans and entertainment focused on autism. The explosion of autism is an enormous factor in our society . Their needs are not going away. Their struggles are more than many of us could imagine. The courage, resilience and love of these affected children and families brings tears to my eyes.

What does that have to do with the prayer for Day 21? Today is specific. God watches how we as individuals and as a nation minister to the neediest among us. So I checked out the candidates:
Mitt Romney on autism: He wants to increase the funding for autism, yet channel resources into research on the causes of the disease. He wants the funding taken out of the politicians' and lobbyists' hands and turned over to the doctors and scientists to decide where the dollars should be spent.
For families already on the spectrum, he would make a proposal which would allow a family with a child with autism to pick a preferred school and have federal funds available to them under the Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act (IDEA). This would not be like the limited voucher system now in place which totally favors people with money (who can afford additional therapy not covered), but would allow the parents to choose. (Under Obamacare, a Board would decide who got care, throw in lobbyists and special interest groups, and you quickly see who loses out - the poor families! Or the moderate income ones, too.)

Today if you are basically living below the poverty line, some services are funded. There is tremendous inequality in the way funds are allocated. Romney's plan would most certainly decrease inequality and increase opportunities for poorer children to receive better education services. The voucher idea is feared by many school administrators and bureaucrats who are fearful of losing their federal money. Baloney on them! The child is the loser in a situation or school that cannot meet his needs. 

I saw lots of shining, beautiful faces today. God's children who need us to be a voice for them. Join me in learning more about this. And ask God how we can minister to the children and their families.

*Our future leader will have compassion on those needy and struggling with mental challenges of all      kinds. Psalm 103:13 

*God, give relief to the struggling families and help all of us to show love and understanding to them. Psalm 116:5

*Lord, as they cry out for understanding, fill our hearts with love and empty our pocketbooks to help the needy. Proverbs 11: 24-25


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