Saturday, February 16, 2013

Day 27 - Ronald Reagan (10/24/12)

Day 27 of 40 days of prayer for the electionOriginally posted on Facebook on October 24, 2012

Let us focus today on an amazing, historical figure in our country: Ronald Reagan. Back in 1980 he faced a tough situation. He was up against an incumbent president, Jimmy Carter. It was a similar situation as today in that Carter had made a mess of things. We actually had hostages in the Middle East and our economy was in trouble. He was a weak President at best, and while today some portray him as a benign leader, he was not. Replacing a sitting President is tough to do. It has not happened often, BUT today is similar. My prayer is always for truth so that we voters can make a wise choice.

Here is a quote from Reagan that inspires me:
"You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children the last best hope of man on earth, or we will sentence them to take the first step into a thousand years of darkness. If we fail, at least let our children and our grandchildren say of us we justified our brief moment here. We did all that could be done."

The debates made all the difference in the 1980 election. Reagan had been portrayed as a cartoon, a Hollywood character with no substance or integrity. Today, Romney has been falsely portrayed as well. When the citizens saw the truth in Reagan, it all turned around for him and for our country. I am praying the voters this year will continue to see the truth about the man, Romney, and the contrast in his opponent. We deserve the truth. It is our country, and with God's help we can preserve the United States for our precious children and grandchildren.


* Father, do not let us take our awesome privilege to vote for granted.

* Help us see that it is our Christian duty to influence America in the way of righteousness.

* God, lead us into Your light of truth and cast out all darkness surrounding this election.

* Heavenly Father, forgive us for hateful, divisive words and replace them with Your Words of hope and     grace.


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