Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Day 5 of 4 - Heavenly Sunlight (11/11/12)

Day 5 of 4 More YearsOriginally posted on Facebook on November 11, 2012

Are you afraid? I might bravely sum up the courage to say, why no, of course not! I am walking in the protection of the God of Creation! But truthfully, fears creep in. The fearfulness of this unsettled time in our country is palpable. The rumbling of the fiscal cliff, the turmoil of negotiations between two opposing parties, the anxiety of our own financial state and the constant bickering is wearing on all of us. Top off this sour sundae with the cherry of health concerns, personal trials, responsibilities of children and spouses and the picture is depressing and fearful.

Enough!!! Comfort for me today and hopefully for you is available right now! Remember Jesus tells us to never fear because He has overcome the world! So, how do we put these comforting words into our minds and embrace them in our souls? I have a solution that works. Just try it: Praise!

Praise Him today in music. Instead of Fox News, try the Good News! After all it is Sunday and it is hymn day! In high school I played the piano for our rural church in Adamsville (not very well, but with all my heart!). At that time, the pastor handed me his chosen hymns as I arrived at church (not always great since I didn't get to practice. And a little nerve wracking for me and my sweet Mom who was in the audience). But now it is my turn to choose, a song I love and actually play ok. 

"Heavenly Sunlight"

"Walking in sunlight all of my journey; over the mountains, through the deep vale, Jesus has said, 'I'll never forsake you.' Promise divine that never can fail.

Shadows around me, shadows above me, never conceal my Savior and Guide; He is the light, in Him is no darkness; ever I'm walking close to His side.

In the bright sunlight, ever rejoicing, pressing my way to mansions above; singing His praises gladly I'm walking, walking in sunlight, sunlight of love.

Heavenly sunlight, heavenly sunlight, flooding my soul with glory divine; Hallelujah, I am rejoicing, singing His praises, Jesus is mine."

Pray: Father, fill our path today with sunlight and take away the fears. Dispel them with the light of Your love.


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