Monday, February 18, 2013

Day 37 - Thankfulness is the Key (11/3/12)

Day 37 of 40 days of prayer for the electionOriginally posted on Facebook on November 3, 2012

Why is this election so close? Terms like "nail biter," "squeaker," "unprecedented closeness," "to close to call," and "it will be a late night," are the phrases of the day. Oh, my! What if there is a tie in the electoral college? Oh, no! What is one candidate wins the popular vote and loses the electoral college! (Insert hand wringing here and elevated blood pressure!)

With all that is known about President O, it should not be close at all! It should be an easy victory for Mitt Romney. Yes, the media has played a huge part in their love for O and wishes for his reelection. But as Christians, we know that God controls it all, so he could certainly control them, too. (I like to think God is patiently giving the media a chance to repent!)

I have an idea of why it is so close. God wants us to call on Him for the results, to humble us, to see the sins of our country's complacency and refusal to put Him first. But if a landslide victory for Romney was predicted by the sacred polls, would we be on our knees begging God for the victory? Perhaps some would, but this common cry welling up in our hearts, would not be a desperate, crying out to save us from four more years of trouble. This painful and tense time is causing Christians across the nation to cry out to God. The situation drives us to go deep into our beliefs of the Almighty's control, to dust off our Bibles, to pray for mercy and "let go" and "let God!"

Thankfulness is the key here. I learned through my family's personal hell on earth, that I had to learn to be thankful again. To see myself as blessed again. When self-pity, anxiety and anger threatened to take me, I had to lean in to God, and let Him do the healing. Slowly I got up from the pit and saw the beauty and blessings that were still there. 

What has that to do about the election? Thankfulness is the key to the Lord hearing our pleas. We must joyfully praise God, tell Him how much we love Him and what a great God He is! No matter what! Tell Him we trust Him, no matter what! We can thank Him today, before we ask Him for another miracle in the result of the election, a healing for our friend, a new job or relief from pain. Just thank Him! And then ask Him. He knows what we need and wants to give it to us! I believe that with all my heart! So, bring it on, close election! Bring it on, lies, hateful speech and spin! None of that matters because we cling to the One who loved us first, who has the outcome in His Hand, and will do far more than we can ask or imagine!

* Father, calm our anxiety and fear, sustain our commitment to You and give us peace.

* Help us, dear Jesus, to reflect You today.

* Protect our country from those who wish to harm us, Almighty God.

* Please, Father, lead our country back to You so that we may claim Your blessings again.


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