Saturday, February 16, 2013

Day 33 - Nationalism (10/30/12)

Day 33 of 40 days of prayer for the electionOriginally posted on Facebook on October 30, 2012

Woke up with a children's song from BSF in my mind: "Good morning, God. This is your day. I am your child. Show me your way." There is nothing sweeter than hearing your 2 year old granddaughter sing this with you! I am blessed! Sorry for the digression!

Today, I am focusing on a word that is sort of unfamiliar to me, at least in a negative context. It is "nationalism." I attended a city-wide prayer meeting Sunday evening. It was amazing to see Christians from all denominations come together to pray for our country, state, city, for the leaders and for the election. But during one of the prayers (don't know which pastor since they purposely did not introduce anyone), the pastor condemned the sin of nationalism. It has taken me two days to try to forget what he said, but it keeps pricking my mind and conscience.

This is what I found out. The definition of nationalism is a form of patriotism based on the identification of a group of individuals with a nation. It is devotion and loyalty to one's own nation. Some define it as excessive patriotism. So what's ago bad about that? Is that a sin?

Ok, it is not necessarily a sin I have concluded. Where it can go wrong is if the nationalist believes his country is so far superior that there is scorn for other nations. It can also be negative if it goes so far as to become ethnic in its superiority, as Hitler did in Germany. Patriotism is usually considered harmless, since it is based on love of country and does not need to impose the culture on another country. In our desire to promote America, we must not think we are better than other countries or refuse to welcome the legal immigrants to our blessed country.

On the other hand, we should never apologize for our country as our current president has. We do have faults, and our country is far from perfect. But we want our leader to be proud of the United States, to promote the good we do in the world, to wear a flag pin, put his hand over his heart, and stand firm against those who wish to harm us. Apologizing to our enemies is not the road to peace.
So, I understand a little more about the pastor's prayer. He meant extreme nationalism, just wish he had said that. I know that in all areas we are to guard our hearts and minds. We must compare every idea to God's Word. Sovereign God. Absolute in truth and power.

"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I will forgive their sin and will heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14

God cannot continue to bless America when we do not follow His leading. God does not ask us to be perfect or even good enough. His requirements are simple: "He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does The Lord require of you? To act justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8

So as we fly our flags and promote the land of the free, we must be sure to put God in first place! Then He can bless us as He has in the past!


* Awaken in us your humility as we promote our blessed country.

* Father, may we never be ashamed of our country, but lift it up as a nation after God's own heart.

* Please, Lord, be merciful to our country today as we are assailed by a terrible storm. Comfort and protect the people who so desperately need You.


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