What do we do when we don't get our way? What happens when our hopes clash with reality? The true measure of our character and witness of Christ is what we do and who we reflect when we don't get what we prayed for. I certainly didn't measure up so well last night. I believed I knew God was going to answer our prayers and elect the man who best reflected the godly principles and integrity I believe in. I believe God rewards the men and women who follow Him. But I am not God.
Here are some things I believe:
God listens. Certainly during the 40 days of Prayer God heard us. So why didn't He answer our prayers? The answer is He did. Just not the way we believed He would. The following emotions flooded me (and maybe you, too): shock, anger, disbelief and fear. Let it go....let those feelings wash over you, give in to them for a time, and let them go.
Time heals. It is our friend in the healing of our disappointment. I learned that in my own personal great grief. God is still our best friend. He loves us. We can trust Him when nothing else makes sense.
Today you have a choice. I choose to walk with my Savior. It may sound weak to walk the "high road," but when I choose the high road with Jesus, I can walk with Him in triumph over circumstances I will never understand. Walking that road is not easy, but we have the best company!
Sheep. Just like the sheep I talked about yesterday, we have had a hard trail to get to the green pastures, the cool,still waters and the safety and peace of the Shepherd. I know we can do it! We (most of us) have a shared disappointment, limited understanding and pain today. But look to the Shepherd.
Look up. My daughter posted today the words of the beautiful hymn, "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus."
Last night, I did that, and "the things of earth became strangely dim." So I stayed a while in the tall, green grass. I encourage you to do the same today. For one day or several hours, then....
Get Up. Let's get back to work for the Kingdom is coming! Jesus is coming again! Maybe it will be sooner now, so stay busy until He comes to take us to Him!
Love each other. I do love you all. The special friends who "like" what I say and forgive my indulgences. Thank you for kind comments and not blasting me too hard. I chose to make my personal quest for prayer public, and I thank you for your understanding of my passionate feelings. I know God loves us all equally, and He loves us so much individually that He would have sent His Son to die for just one of us!
Forgive. God will reward our desire to forgive each other, and to be One in service to His Kingdom.
Believe. I will never change what I believe in Christ Jesus, nor do I feel my beliefs were not validated in this election. Compromise is only good for political issues, not in valuing human life or God's Word.
Thank you for giving me the chance to praise Him!
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Cape Disappointment Lighthouse, Washington |
"Where can I go from Your Spirit? Where can I flee from Your Presence? If I go up to the heavens, You are there; if I make my bed in the depths, You are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there Your Hand will guide me, Your right Hand will hold me fast." Psalm 139:7-10.
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