Monday, February 25, 2013

Day 11 of 4: Honey (11/17/12)

Day 11 of 4 More YearsOriginally posted on Facebook on November 17 2012

Homecoming! Today I am blessed to be able to attend a homecoming of one of my aunts. There were four of my aunts left here on earth. And now there are three. "Honey," as her family called her was 94 years young. Her given name was Alcenia, but since her husband always called her "honey," that is what everyone called her. Being a "young old soul" sounds trite, but in her case, it was very true. She possessed all of the good parts of youth: enthusiasm, optimism and energy. Couple that with wisdom from years of faithful, "God- walking" and you have a description of Honey. She had many blessings here on earth, and I am certain her 4 children, 12 grandchildren, 25 great-grandchildren and 14 great-great grandchildren would have topped her list. She also had many trials here on earth, including losing her husband and one of her sons. In addition to all her activities, Honey helped her daughter care for a special needs grandchild for many years. Honey would have assured you that was not a hardship but a blessing, too.

Here is my story of Honey. She loved. She did. Jesus, friends, family, strangers. She was talented. One of my aunts said, "There was nothing she couldn't do with a needle, thread, scissors and a sewing machine!" Even in the last years of her life, there was a sewing machine in her bedroom. She also completed one of my Mother's unfinished quilting projects just last year. She was physically a large woman, not overweight, but tall and strong. When she hugged you, you knew it had happened! Her laugh was infectious and delightful. The work she did at home spilled over to all areas of her life, including church and community. She was larger than life without being a character. You would have been blessed to know her, as I was. You knew you were loved if you were around Honey!

As her health declined, she went to live with her daughter. No complaining about "losing her independence" (a term I hear a lot), but joy in having her one wish fulfilled in the move: a walk-in bath tub! As a child I remember her caring for her own Mother in a small house on her own property. Her children observed her faithful devotion to her own Mother and carried on the loving tradition. Last year my sister and I were able to visit her. She seemed exactly the same: thrilled to see us, sharing old stories with her bright mind and lovingly telling us of her great blessing to still be able to help her daughter with her autistic granddaughter. She said, "We keep each other company." Yes, Honey was blessed and she was a blessing to anyone who knew her. Farewell for now, precious Honey. I know we will meet again!

"Death for the Christian is the doorway to heaven's glory. Because of Christ's resurrection we can joyously say with Paul, 'Where, O death, is your victory?'" (2 Corinthians 15:55)
Quote from Billy Graham

Heavenly Father, give us peace as we think of death. Help us to rest in your promise of eternal life, and celebrate the life we have left here on earth. Comfort Honey's family, please Lord.


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