Friday, February 15, 2013

Day 12 - Originally posted on Facebook on October 9, 2012

Day 12 of 40 days: This just keeps getting harder. Started the prayers for encouragement. So I hope I can stay positive today. I am praying for unity. What? In an election time there is very little unity, except for each side being unified against the other. Now, I hate that. I have precious family & friends who would never consider voting for my choice. They are set in stone (so to speak) and I guess I am, too. But I love them and want to respect their choice. They should also respect mine. This sounds pretty good so far. So what do I know about God? And how can I presume to know what God thinks? Well, His Word tells us. He must be totally exasperated with a lot of the hate speech, lies, mischief and downright corruption surrounding this election. I know we all are.

I will not compromise what I believe. But I do try to say it with respect and kindness. Well, "we'll just have to agree to disagree" sounds sort of lame. Can we listen thoughtfully to each other? At least in this prayer?

* Pray for awakening of the voters to their privilege which requires being informed.

* Pray that discernment between truth and falsehood will be clear. Psalm 119:125

* Pray that unity of our country will still exist as we bind together against a common enemy. 
2 Chronicles 30:12

* Pray God keeps His mighty Hand protecting our country. Psalm 140:4


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