Monday, February 18, 2013

Day 39 - A Mormon President (11/5/12)

Day 39 of 40 days of prayer for the electionOriginally posted on Facebook on November 5, 2012

So close! To God, that is! One more day!

Today's topic is not what I planned, but a couple of things changed yesterday. First I planned to give you Jesus' telephone number (cell?) in case there was anything you needed in the next couple of days. I learned it long ago from my first BSF leader. It is Jeremiah 33:3: "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." 

The sermon at my church yesterday was from 1 Samuel 3:1-21. It was about the Lord's calling of young Samuel into His service. It is a wonderful story of God's rewarding obedience. Also, I thought I would remind us of the qualifications of the leaders of God, and the need for us to be quiet so we could hear God's call. All wrapped up in my mind....

But, (right here is a good place to delete or indulge me), I don't want to go here, but I feel led to say this. Something happened that troubled me at the end of the service. There was a brief video of a woman describing her call from God and her reward of obedience to Him. She is a former Mormon who was called to witness to other Mormons. That was strange. Two days before the election, and Mormonism is brought up again. Now, I do not believe my church leaders meant to be political. But I have a political filter and it troubled me. Has his Mormonism ever bothered you?

Confession here. At the beginning of the primary season, I had a hard time making Mitt Romney my first choice because of that. I always felt he was the strongest on the economy and his having a background as a businessman helped. I believed he was a good, solid man, a family man, a brilliant man, a great speaker, and his conservative beliefs were right in line with mine. And he respected and wanted to ally with Israel, and he was pro-life except for rape and incest. Wow! Perfect, except for the Mormon part. 

Mind changed! When the choice came to the two men presented tomorrow for election, the choice is perfectly clear. And where my heart and mind are convicted here is the answer. We are not electing a chaplain-in-chief, but a commander-in-chief. He is not going to be the spiritual leader of the country. Throughout history, we have had presidents with differing religious backgrounds, and many effective ones were not evangelical Christians.

So rather than go on and on about the two candidates' qualifications for Christians to assess, I will point you to the best video of a sermon about the election. I urge you to take 30 minutes to watch this. It will either change your mind or give you hope and peace or both.

Sermon by David Jeremiah on Vimeo:


* Father, You alone are our wisdom for these decision making days. Please give us a mind to follow You.

* Holy Spirit, fill us with Your Presence as we go about our day. Help us give out peace to a troubled world.

* Merciful Father, help the victims of the terrible storm. They need You and Your servants to give them     relief today.

* Dear Jesus, may we never take for granted Your call to follow You. Open our ears to hear You today.


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