I love Democrats! There, I have said it! My secret revealed! I am the great-grandchild of hard-working Democrats. My grandparents were Democrats during the time of FDR who helped the country so much during the Great Depression. After Ike, however, my grandparents switched and never looked back!
So, check out your own background. I'll bet there are Democrats there, too. But are they really? Are they liberal Dems or just old-school believers in a party that no longer exists? Today's Democratic Party bears little resemblance to the one of FDR.
Let's first look at the Republican Party: It has a wonderful history, too. It was founded in 1854 by anti-slavery activists. The Republican Party was the party of Abraham Lincoln, the great emancipator! The main ideas of the current Republican Party (hey, I know you all know this, I'm doing this for myself and my failing memory) are based on conservatism as opposed to liberalism. In economic areas Republicans mostly and broadly believe in small or limited government, low taxes, limited regulation, free enterprise and a balanced budget. In social areas, the Republicans see secular viewpoints as damaging, and embrace school prayer while opposing abortion and same-sex marriage. Other strong beliefs are that the American ideals should be expanded to other countries and emphasize restrictions on immigration. Strong conservatives like the Republican ideas of a strong foreign policy and a strong military ("Peace through strength" Ronald Reagan).
So what do I know and have learned about my beloved Democrats? The party is older than the Republican Party, having been established in 1791 by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. It was formed to oppose the Federalist Party which has long since faded away. Today's Democratic Party scarcely resembles the original. For simplicity and time, I'll skip over the details. Let us just look at the current Democrats. Today's Democratic Party believes in big government, higher taxes (especially on the hated rich or successful), and a mentality of "here let me help you with that" in all areas of people's lives. In social areas they are more embracing of secular values, oppose school prayer and favor abortion. They like the idea of government supporting things like birth control and not only favor abortion but want the government to pay for it. Same-sex marriage and all "diversity" are encouraged by the liberal wing of the Democratic Party. They are weak on support for Israel, but rather embrace the middle eastern cultures and religions, believing that by becoming "non-threatening" they will love us. Israel is not really "special" to strict liberals. After all, a common belief is that all religions are the same and believe in the same god, not our God, but Allah and others. Foreign policy takes a back seat to the "we are all friends" idea which leads to weakening the military, reducing arms while increasing the budget for social entitlements.
So, we have two parties, Dems and Repubs, and two ideologies, conservative and liberal. Generally speaking no person is purely one or the other, but I challenge us all to look closely at our God given beliefs. Put them under the microscope of God's Word and, "tah dah!"--- we see what we are? Simple, right? No, not really. The old school Dems like my great-grandmother and many of my family and friends are very conservative people. They love God, value life (even the unborn), want to be safe in our world and favor the government staying out of their business. So why are they still aligning with the Democratic Party? It no longer reflects their core beliefs. Perhaps they are still relying on tradition. Or perhaps they simply don't know.
So when I look at my Democratic friends and loved ones, consider this. Are they Democrats or liberals or both? Do they have two heads or an evil heart? Do you love them? Do you want to "convert" them? It won't happen with a judgmental spirit or condescending words (they do enough of that to us). Just ask them what they truly believe. That is all. Listen. Bet many are closet conservatives. We must be knowledgable before we "go there." I'm working on it for myself.
Perhaps the love for the poor, compassion for the downtrodden, protection of all human life and belief in the best in humanity should not be the property of one party. As children of the living God, we have a responsibility to be His ambassadors to both parties and to the world, not just to those who agree with us.
* Father, give us wisdom to see the truths of Your Holy Word in everything.
* Help us to be kind, good, and loving to those who disagree with our beliefs.
* Lord Jesus, bind us together in our redeemed position as Your children.
* God, please put Your Hand of protection on this election and the man You choose to lead our country.
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