Today I want to focus again on the leaders we will be choosing. In 2012 every seat in the U.S. House of Representatives, 1/3 of the seats in the Senate and the Presidency & Vice Presidency are up for election. Think of the numbers of leaders we are to choose. Let's look at what God's guidelines are for leadership (from the list God gave Moses for the choosing of civil leaders of ancient Israel, over 3500 years ago) Exodus 18:21 (God's Word is always fresh and current!)
1. Ability - "able men" with skills, experience and seriousness to lead and get the job done. Great oration without ability is useless for leadership.
2. The Fear of God - Nothing will substitute for the fear of God. All of our government is built upon the Declaration of Independence & the Constitution, and the idea that our civil rights come from God and that to Him we must give an account. No one who does not recognize that we are "one nation under God" will be able to lead us & to protect our fundamental rights.
3. Men of Truth - Men who love the truth - the eternal principles of God's law and the Ten Commandments. These men must practice truth-telling. Lying politicians have become a by-word in our society, yet we elect & reelect men who lie or twist, cover-up & distort the truth. We must support and help elect men and women whom we know have a track record of honesty.
4. Men who Hate Covetousness (wealth & jealousy of others wealth) - We should select men who have an perfectly clean record of business dealing and a public record of treating the taxpayer dollar as sacred - to be spent for constitutional purposes and not for all kinds of social programs that do not fall within the purpose of government. America is bankrupt because elected officials have gone far afield from the fundamental God-given mission of civil government found in Romans 13:1-10.
* Pray for God to turn the tide in our nation this year. Exodus 32:34
* Pray God will have mercy upon us and our children. Give us repentance and mobilize us to be the spiritual army you intend us to be. Deliver us and our government from evil.
* Raise God-fearing men and women to positions of public leadership and service.
* May God give America cause to rejoice this year. Judges 5:2
* May God give us discernment to elect a President and other officials whom He can bless. Let us call out to God while we can, and may He send a gracious turning in our country, a country turning back to Him! Exodus 18:21
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