Saturday, February 16, 2013

Day 26 - Billy Graham (10/23/12)

Day 26 of 40 days of prayer for the electionOriginally posted on Facebook on October 23, 2012

Amazing morning! Went to bed last night with Billy Graham! Wouldn't that be an October surprise? No, I was reading a compilation of his best quotes from his books or speeches. Here are a couple about America:

"America has probably become the most successful experiment in history. The American dream was a glorious attempt. It was built on a religious foundation. Its earliest concepts came from Holy Scripture." 1965

"I believe America has gone a long way down the wrong road. If we ever needed God's help, it is now." 1999

"Spiritually, we have wandered far from the faith of our fathers... No nation which relegates the Bible to the background, which disregards the love of God and flouts the claims of the man of Galilee, can long survive." 1947

Now, about the debate. Did it go like I (in all my zeal for the truth) thought or wanted it to? No. Was there confrontation the way I wanted there to be? Not exactly. But here is what happened in my simple opinion. That close up split screen didn't do the angry one any favors. Remember I warned about about charming, deceitful words and I heard them. Well, aggressive & rude, too. But while long on unchecked facts that might go as truth to some, you couldn't hide the countenance which displayed the heart. And the final message came straight from the heart. America wants relief from economic oppression. And government takeover. And (my addition) the truth, not lies!

Billy Graham on pride: "Pride always puts self above others--and cuts itself off from them as a result. No one likes an arrogant, prideful person." 2006

On the world: "The Christian should stand out like a sparkling diamond against a rough background. He should be more wholesome than anyone else. He should be poised, cultured, courteous, gracious, but firm in the things that he does and does not do. He should laugh and be radiant, but he should refuse to allow the world to pull him down to its level." 1953

Debate? Awesome!


* Grace, peace and strength for the candidates and electorate as we move toward the end of the    campaigns.

* Please unite us in prayer for the next leader You choose, Father.

* God, continue to expose the truth in Your way. Let no lie be allowed to stand, please, Father.


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