Do you have a filter? What is a filter anyway? For the last few days, the idea of filters of thought have intrigued me. Let's say, for current example, we all saw the results of the election. You and I both looked at the same situation with totally different reactions. Did we see the same thing? Perhaps, but our filter saw it differently. If you and I have a similar filter, we will agree about the outcome. Ok, why would that interest me for even two seconds?
Here is why: A filter in this example is a lens through which you see the world. You will not be surprised to know that I have a political filter. Ever since I was my high school campaign chairman of Barry Goldwater's presidential campaign in 1964, I have loved politics. By the way, we won in the high school election, but Mr. Goldwater failed miserably in the national race! I will say this political bent never helped me get any dates! Sorry for the digression.
That sort of explains one of my filters. But you and I don't have just one filter. We have several which sort of layer over each other. I also have a Christian filter, which I pray dominates all the others. When our Christian "eyes" see a situation, the filter of what I see is changed by my belief in the Savior. My eyes hopefully become like His. And that makes all the difference in how we "see" a situation, "see" other people and "see" our own lives.
If we see the candidate for President of the United States, a teacher in our child's school or a dear friend through God's filter, all is changed. That is also why it is so critical for us to know God's Word. That adds a sharper focus to the lens, along with the Holy Spirit inside.
So, no big insights today on the unfolding tragedy happening in Washington. I know God can take care of that today without my help! I am cleaning my filter today, however, with His help. I took off the rose-colored glasses many are using today where everything is just swell now that their candidate is elected. And I am putting on the sharp, clear, compassionate lens of God's Word and asking the Holy Spirit to fill me up and feel the Presence of the Savior! I love the way the world looks from here!
"The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light." Matthew 6:22
Pray: Father, give us your clear filter of truth to see the our lives today. Help us give off light to the darkness in You.
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