Perspective. Where do we get true wisdom? As my Bible Study Fellowship leader said to us yesterday, true wisdom begins when we adopt God's perspective. Ok, that sounds great! Let's do it! I want to have wisdom. However, the catch word is "begins." It is a process like so many things in life. So, let's just start.
Here's what I was thinking: Are you familiar with the phrase, "don't make me come down there!" Or "over there" or "up there" or "stop this car!" Common phrases we have all used as frustrated parents. Have you ever thought that God thought of us that way? In the Genesis study we are doing, the Tower of Babel was the subject this week. It actually says in Genesis 11:5 that "the Lord came down to see the city and the tower that the men were building." Most of you know the story quite well. God was not coming down to admire their handiwork and He certainly wasn't pleased. In fact He actually laughed at their plans! In Psalms 2:3 it says that God was amused at how the nations conspired and plotted to be in control. The amusement did not last forever as God has a "severe mercy" planned for those who disobey, deny, rebel or mock God by trying to be like Him. Thank Goodness, God is slow to anger and slow to bring judgment on His wayward people. But just as God confused the speech of the people building the Tower of Babel, He will surely deal with us at some time. His time. And only He knows that day.
After having my fill of the news, filled with awful revelations about the military leaders, the lack of protection for our consulate, the unending stream of evil and corruption, I turned it all off. What on earth could God's perspective be of this mess? Where are God's people? Why is the picture so awful, bleak and sinful? Did God make this, too? When He created the beautiful earth, could He have known it would turn out like this? Did He allow it? If so, why? My leader told us why. So we would seek Him. Remember the darkest day ever on earth was Good Friday with even the day sky turning black as sin was poured out on Jesus. (That would be our sin, awful thought.) God was in total control that day, too. And the everlasting truth is that God is on His throne right now with Jesus seated at His right hand. We are forgiven because of the darkest day ever which on the 3rd day became the brightest day of Jesus resurrection! God's perspective is that He does "come down here" to discipline us with His tender mercy. The problems today, while awful, can be overcome through the One who overcame the worst the world had to offer!
Borrowing an example from my leader again is the idea of riding in a car driven by someone you totally trust. No white-knuckle experience with a bad driver, but a sweet ride. One where you can lean your seat back, read a book, snuggle up with a pillow and even fall fast asleep, resting in the knowledge that you are safe. You can trust the driver of your life car, too. He will save you, protect you and go with you to your eternal destination. We can trust His perspective all the way home.
"May He enlighten the eyes of your mind so that you can see what hope His call has for you." Ephesians 1:18
"With one sacrifice He made perfect forever those who are being made holy." Hebrews 10:14
Today, please God, give us peace and wisdom to attempt to see our world through your eyes, give us Your perspective so that You won't have to "come down here" yet. When you do come, please, Father, take us home with You.
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